5A RIM Assignment on 22nd November 2021


Take your notes in your English notebook in the section dedicated to international organizations.

1) Surf the Web and carry out some research into the G20.
  • What is the G20?
  • What are the G20 members?
  • Where and when did the first G20 Summit take place?
  • Where and when did the last G20 Summit take place?
  • Where and when will the next G20 Summit take place?

2) Watch a clip about the G20. Put the topics discussed in the video in order.

[  ] what the G20 is
[  ] what G20 stands for
[  ] when the G20 was established
[  ] when the G20 summits take place
[  ] what criticisms have been directed against the G2
[  ] what the G20 has achieved so far
[  ] what the aim of the G20 is

3) Answer the following questions.

According to the video,

1. when was the G20 established?
2. what does "G20" stand for?
3. what is the G20?
4. how often do G20 summits take place?
5. who decides on the content of the summit?
6. what are the main topics usually included in the agenda?
7. what is the aim of the G20?
8. what has been achieved so far, thanks to the G20?
9. what criticism has been directed against the G20?

Watch the video again and check.

4) Check your answers here.

5) In your opinion, can the G20 really change the world? Leave your personal comment in the comment box. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.

5A RIM Assignment on 12th October 2021


Take your notes in your English notebook in the section dedicated to globalization.

Why do we have to choose between nationalism and globalism, between loving our countries and caring for the world? In a talk with lessons for avowed nationalists and globalists alike, Wanis Kabbaj explains how we can challenge this polarizing, binary thinking -- and simultaneously be proud citizens of both our countries and the world.

1) Watch the video and take notes about
  • What the words “nationalist” and “globalist” are associated with:
  • What this issue impacts:
  • What nationalism guarantees:
  • What nationalists think of globalism
  • What the ugliness of nationalism brought in the past:
  • What the present supernational problems are:
  • What the main nationalist movements are in western democracies:
  • Why he mentions 1945 as the starting point of global positive changes:
  • What national identity is:
  • Examples of national icons that in fact come from other cultures:
2) Reflect on your learning about globalisation by completing these sentence stems:
  • I used to think ...
  • But now I think …
Leave your comment in the comment box. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.

5A RIM Assignment on 29th September 2021


Take your notes in your English notebook in the section dedicated to globalization.

1) Surf the Web and do some research into the Ebola outbreak and epidemic in 2014.
  • What sort of disease is the Ebola Virus Disease?
  • How is the Ebola Virus Disease transmitted?
  • Where was the first suspected victim of Ebola Virus Disease located in 2014?
  • What countries did the Ebola Virus Disease reach in 2014?
  • How many people were infected and how many people died in 2014?
2) In March 2015, Bill Gates gave a TED Talk on preventing the next Ebola or similar outbreak. Watch the video and put the topics he discussed in order.

[  ] one positive thing that could come out of the Ebola epidemic
[  ] the most likely causes of a global catastrophe
[  ] the progression of Ebola Virus Disease during 2014
[  ] the key missing pieces in the healthcare system during the Ebola epidemic in 2014
[  ] a possible response system to deal with a future infectious disease
[  ] the main problem during the Ebola outbreak in 2014
[  ] the progression of a virus which spread through the air in 1918

3) Answer the following 10 questions.

According to Bill Gates,

1.   what is the most likely cause of a global catastrophe?
2.   why are not we ready for a future epidemic?
3.   what was the main problem during the Ebola outbreak in 2014?
4.   what were the key missing pieces in the healthcare system during the Ebola epidemic in 2014?
5.   what evidences does he mention to support his statements?
6.   what is one of the limits of the World Health Organization (WHO)?
7.   what are the three reasons why the Ebola Virus Disease did not spread more?
8.   what are the advantages we have today in terms of science and technology? 
9.   what are the kinds of things we need in order to deal with an epidemic?
10. what are the main benefits of such investments?

Watch the video again and check.

4) Bill Gates stated that the World Bank estimated that if we had a worldwide flu epidemic, global wealth would go down by over three trillion dollars and we would have millions and millions of deaths. What are the current data about losses and deaths caused by Covid-19 epidemic so far?

5) Check all your answers here.

6) In your opinion, were we ready for the Covid-19 epidemic? Why? Why not? Leave your personal comment in the comment box. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.

4 RIM Assignment on 28/29th September 2021

You are going to watch a video on TED.com about how virtual reality can revolutionise science lessons.


Read the questions first and then watch the video until 3'53. 

  1. Who is going to help us solve the great challenges that we are facing nowadays and that will continue to grow?
  2. How do students in many universities around the world feel, according to Michael Bodekaer?
  3. Where did Michael and his co-founder find the inspiration for his idea to use virtual reality in the science class?
  4. Michael mentions three advantages of using virtual reality in the science class. They are:

You are going to watch the video twice.


Watch the rest of the video. What did you learn about this topic? Write down your ideas in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.

4A RIM Assignment on 29th April 2021

You are going to watch a video on TED.com about how virtual reality can revolutionise science lessons.


Read the questions first and then watch the video until 3'53. 

  1. Who is going to help us solve the great challenges that we are facing nowadays and that will continue to grow?
  2. How do students in many universities around the world feel, according to Michael Bodekaer?
  3. Where did Michael and his co-founder find the inspiration for his idea to use virtual reality in the science class?
  4. Michael mentions three advantages of using virtual reality in the science class. They are:

You are going to watch the video twice.


Watch the rest of the video. What did you learn about this topic? Write down your ideas in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.

4A RIM Assignment on 16th April 2021

 1) Watch the video.


2) Imagine you have to create a similar promotional video to showcase the range of courses and activities on offer at IIS Michele Buniva.
  • What content would you include?
  • What school facilities would you show and why?
  • Who would you interview and why?
Write down your ideas in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.

5A RIM Assignment on 7th April 2021

The Magna Carta

Take your notes in your English notebook in the section dedicated to the UK politics.

1) Surf the Web and carry out some research into the Magna Carta.
  • what is is?
  • when was it signed?
  • in what language was it written?
  • what did it establish?
  • when was it printed for the first time?
2) Watch the two clips below about the Magna Carta. Check your answers to the questions in exercise 1 and take further notes.

3) Answer the following questions. 

According to the videos,
  • what does Magna Carta mean? .
  • what does its most famous line (still true today in British law) affirm?
  • who did the Magna Carta apply to and who did it exclude?
  • who were the “free men” at the time?
  • who declared the charter invalid?
  • when was Magna Carta made part of English law?
  • what is the Magna Carta legacy?
  • what does the Magna Carta symbolise?
  • who did it inspire?
  • how did the Magna Carta become a symbol of American Liberty?
  • what was the Magna Carta used to protest against in the 18th century?
  • how did the Magna Carta “go viral” in the 18th century?
  • why did the Chartists use the Magna Carta?
  • why did the Suffragettes use the Magna Carta?
  • for what countries around the world was the Magna Carta inspirational?
Watch the two videos again and check your answers.

4) Imagine you are invited to co-created a Magna Carta for the digital age. What are our rights and responsibilities online? Give reasons and specific examples to support your ideas. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.

3A RIM / 3B RIM Assignment on 15th March 2021

1) Watch the how-to video below.

2) Imagine you have to create a short how-to video for the website howcast.com.
  • What topic would you choose for your how-to video? Why?
  • What sort of instructional information would you include?
  • Where would you shoot it?
Write down your ideas. Then write a 100-word text in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.

5A RIM Mock Invalsi Exam

Do some practice and be prepared for Invalsi on 16th March 2021:
  • Listening comprehension at B1 level: do the tasks and then check your answers in the keys.
  • Listening comprehension at B2 level: do the tasks and then check your answers in the keys.
  • Reading comprehension at B1 level: do the tasks and then check your answers in the keys.
  • Reading comprehension at B2 level: do the tasks and then check your answers in the keys.

5A RIM Assignment on 23rd February 2021

Brexit Pain at the Irish Border

Take your notes in your English notebook in the section dedicated to the UK geography.

1) Think about the following questions. Do you know …
  • when the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was created?
  • when the Irish War of Independence began and when it ended?
  • when Ireland was divided into the Irish Free State and Northern Ireland?
  • when the Republic of Ireland was proclaimed?
  • when Ireland joined the European Economic Community (now the EU)?
2) Look at the infographic and find out
  • the length of the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland;
  • the number of road crossings;
  • the number of people who cross the border daily to go to work.

3) Brexit Pain at the Irish Border is a seven-minute film that profiles residents, including many teenagers, who live along the border between Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom, and Ireland, which belongs to the European Union. The film explores the history of the Irish border and touches on themes of identity, politics and history.

Use the chart below as you watch to record and consider the aspects that you find most important or interesting. First, on the left side, note a specific quote or detail from the film; next, on the right side, tell what you noticed about it, why you chose it, or what questions it raises for you.

4) What moments in this film stood out for you? Why? Leave your personal comment in the comment box. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.

3A RIM Assignment on 22nd February 2021

B1 Preliminary Writing Part 2

Take your notes in your English notebook in the section dedicated to B1 Preliminary Writing Part 2.

1) 👀 Watch the video clip and find out what Writing Part 2 consists of.

2) 👀 Watch the video clip below. On your notebook, 🖋 take notes under the following headings as the content is covered:
  • Step 1: define your audience
  • Step 2: approach the task
  • Step 3: define the content of your story
  • Step 4: organise your story
  • Step 5: make a plan
  • Step 6: write
  • Step 7: write a title in capital letters
  • Step 8: read through your complete story

3) Read a sample answer.

Then, answer the following questions.
  1. Does the story start with the correct sentence?
  2. Are there around 100 words? 
  3. How many paragraphs are there?
  4. Is the story interesting to read? Why?
  5. Is the story easy to follow? Why?
  6. Does the story have a clear ending?
  7. Can you find some examples of ambitious language?
  8. Are there many errors? Do these make the answer difficult to understand?

1B AFM/1C AFM Assignment on 22nd February 2021

 1) Look at the picture below.

2) Write a good description of the picture. In your description you must include the following words:

clowns - pirates - guitar - comics - tractor - skateboard - rabbit - panda

Write your description in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.

3B RIM Assignment on 5th February 2021

B1 Preliminary Writing Part 2

Take your notes in your English notebook in the section dedicated to B1 Preliminary Writing Part 2.

1) 👀 Watch the video clip and find out what Writing Part 2 consists of.

2) 👀 Watch the video clip below. On your notebook, 🖋 take notes under the following headings as the content is covered:
  • Step 1: define your audience
  • Step 2: approach the task
  • Step 3: define the content of your story
  • Step 4: organise your story
  • Step 5: make a plan
  • Step 6: write
  • Step 7: write a title in capital letters
  • Step 8: read through your complete story

3) Read a sample answer.

Then, answer the following questions.
  1. Does the story start with the correct sentence?
  2. Are there around 100 words? 
  3. How many paragraphs are there?
  4. Is the story interesting to read? Why?
  5. Is the story easy to follow? Why?
  6. Does the story have a clear ending?
  7. Can you find some examples of ambitious language?
  8. Are there many errors? Do these make the answer difficult to understand?

4A RIM Assignment on 28th January 2021

1) 👀 Look at the following writing task.

2) 🗯 Brainstorm ideas and plan your story according to the following structure:

Title: briefly describe what the story is about and make people want to read it!
Paragraph 1: set the scene and give the background of the story. Try to end the paragraph with some form of suspense to keep the reading going.
Paragraph 2 and paragraph 3: outline what happens, giving the main events of the story.
Paragraph 4: end the story. It is good to have a twist or surprise at the end. 

3) 🖋 Write your story in 140-190 words in an appropriate style in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.

5A RIM Assignment on 26th January 2021

Facebook’s Role in Brexit – and the Threat to Democracy

Take your notes in your English notebook in the section dedicated to Brexit.

1) Surf the Web and do some research into the newspaper "The Observer".
  • When was it established?
  • Is is a quality newspaper or a tabloid?
  • How left-wing or right-wing is it?
2) In April 2019, an investigative journalist gave a TED Talk on Facebook’s role in Brexit. Watch the video and choose the best summary.

[  ] Carole Cadwalladr investigated the links between political interest and online participation on Facebook and she found out that the use of Facebook lowed the barriers for expression of opinions during the 2016 referendum campaign.

[  ] Carole Cadwalladr investigated the weight of social media interference in the elections and asked for more transparent online campaigns.

[  ] Carole Cadwalladr found out that British electoral laws and British data laws were broken during the 2016 referendum campaign, mostly because British Facebook users were targeted with online misleading political messages which influenced public opinion.

3) Answer the following 6 questions.
  1. When did the journalist start her investigation ?
  2. Where did she start it?
  3. Why did she go to Ebbw Vale?
  4. What were the four main reasons why a lot of people in Ebbw Vale voted to leave the EU?
  5. Why was it strange, according to Carole Cadwalladr?
  6. What influenced people living in Ebbw Vale to vote to leave the EU?
Watch the video again and check.

4) Check all your answers here.

5) Do you agree with Carole Cadwalladr when she states that “the gods of Silicon Valley are on the wrong side of history”, facilitating multiple crimes in the referendum in 2016, or not? Leave your personal comment in the comment box. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.

3B Homework


If you want to watch the series online, click here. Enjoy!

PS You can watch the series with English subtitles. No audio in Italian is available.

5A RIM Assignment on 13th January 2021


Take your notes in your English notebook in the section dedicated to Brexit.

1) Think about and answer the questions.

- What do you already know about Brexit?

- What do you want to know about Brexit?

2) Read the article "Is Brexit the Way Out?". For questions 1-6, choose the correct option.

3) Read the article again. In your notebook, take notes under the following headings as the content is covered:

  • The meaning of the word “Brexit”
  • The referendum in 2016
  • The reasons for leaving the EU
  • The reasons for staying in the EU
  • PM Theresa May’s position
  • What happened to the UK after Brexit

4) In the comment box below, list 3 interesting facts that you have learnt in today's English lesson, 2 connections you have made and 1 question you still have. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.

3A RIM Homework

If you want to watch the series online, click here. Enjoy!

PS You can watch the series with English subtitles. No audio in Italian is available.

1B AFM/1C AFM Assignment on 12th January 2021

 1) Look at the picture below.

2) Write a good description of the picture. In your description you must include the following words:

costumes - crown - octopus - drum - photographer - 

wood - spots - flags - stage - lights

Write your description in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.

3B RIM Assignment on 11th January 2021

1) 👀 Look at the following writing task.

2) 🗯 Brainstorm ideas and plan your story according to the following structure:

- Title
- Paragraph 1: set the scene and give the background of the story. Try to end the paragraph with some form of suspense to keep the reading going.
- Paragraph 2: outline what happens, giving the main events of the story.
- Paragraph 3: end the story. It is good to have a twist or surprise at the end. 

3) 🖋 Write your story in about 100 words in an appropriate style in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.

3A RIM Assignment on 11th January 2021

1) 👀 Look at the following writing task.

2) 🗯 Brainstorm ideas and plan your story according to the following structure:

Paragraph 1: set the scene and give the background of the story. Try to end the paragraph with some form of suspense to keep the reading going.
Paragraph 2: outline what happens, giving the main events of the story.
Paragraph 3: end the story. It is good to have a twist or surprise at the end. 

3) 🖋 Write your story in about 100 words in an appropriate style in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.