2A AFM HOMEWORK 13 05 2020

On your coursebook "Language for Life B1"

1) do #1, 2 p 76

2) do #6, 7, 8 p 77

3) click here to see the keys to the 5 exercises. Compare them to your answers and check what you have done. 

4)  Write a post in which you explain 
  • if you agree with the author of the text when he/she states that today's American teens are the most helpful generation in history (lines 23-24). Why? Why not?
  • how teens can make a difference in your area.
  • if you or your friends support any causes. Why? Why not?
Write your text in an appropriate style in the comment box below by Wednesday 13th May 2020 at 5.30 p.m. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Andrea R.
    In my opinion it's true that American teens are the most helpful generation in history, but I think that it's a consequence of the fact that the generation before them caused a lot of damage, and now these damages to be repaired needs a lot of volunteering.
    In my area teens can make the difference doing a lot of volunteering like helping poor families to buy some food.
    My friends and I don't support any cause of volunteering, but I think that it is a very good thing to help people that really need it.

    1. Your post is identical to Thomas's one. πŸ‘Ž

  2. Arianna B.
    Yes, I agree with the author because if all these guys volunteer they will make a difference; it's not just a boy who takes a starfish and throws it back into the sea but thousands of guys who takes starfish and throw them back into the sea. All those starfish will be saved thanks to all the guys who helped them.

    Unfortunately in my area teenagers can't do much: once a year there is the village festival and you can halp with the preparations, usually my cousin and me dress in the old clothes of the past for mass and to distribute the blessed bread. Finally during the year you can halp a little in the parish.

    No, because here, in the upper valley to volunteer you must be of age and you must have taken a course that prepares you.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

      When it comes to write a text, try to plan it and write it as a single unit. Do not write single answers to the prompts.

  3. Andrea O.
    In my opinion that American teens can is one of the best generations of the future can be compared.
    But not only American boys but also those of other continents.
    In America, in my opinion, there are many more offers of charitable associations than in Italy, and therefore their mentality is more open to helping others.
    In my area we do not have many opportunities to help the most needy, however we young people in the area could participate in the proposed activities of the oratory or in the ecological days proposed by the municipality.
    I supported the cause of the sixteen year old Gteta Thumberg in school days but I'm not fully an activist.
    But maybe in the future besides this cause.
    I think I will be interested in other initiatives that concern the protection of the environment

    1. 🌟 Your ideas are interesting and original. It is difficult to read your post because it is unclear and incorrect in most parts.

  4. Valerio M.
    I agree with the author but I think that there are much others charity campaign in the world, based on the young generation. At the same time, the America is a country with a lot of problems and difficult situations, dictated by the overcrowding and the natural disasters.
    In my area teenagers can make the difference volunteering for the Italian Red Cross and helping institutions and associations. For example, it is possibile to work as a volunteer in the nursing homes or family houses. Some of my friends and I give support the Spirito Santo's summer center, taking care of the kids and making them play. This is quite helpful for the families of the area. More over, we have a lot fun and this experience improves our skills.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts.

  5. Francesco P.

    For me, American teens are ones of the most helpful generazione, because that gesture (the guy who throws the starfish into the sea), few people would do it.
    In my area teens can do a lot of volunteering, like helping poor families to buy some food or helping older people.
    Me and my friend don't do volunteering activities for personal disinterest.

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  6. Camilla T.
    I agree with the author to say that today's American teenagers are a useful generation on this aspect, you already see only in small things, like the example of the boy and the starfish, I don't think many others would have done like him; but we talk not only about American kids but also those from other parts of the world.
    In my area there are not many opportunities to help those most in need, but we could start for example from the activities proposed by the oratory or for example in nursing homes.
    My friends and I don't support any cause of volunteering but I think it's a very useful thing to help those who need it most.

  7. Emiliano.L
    In my opinion the author is right about the fact that American boys are the most useful generation,but also in other many states there are young generation that make the different such as in France, Spain and Germany There is an organisation called ESC Which is for young People and does voluntary work. In my area my friends and I volunteer at the Pro loco of Pramollo.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts. Your text lacks some details.

  8. NicolΓ² M.
    Yes, I agree with the author. American teenagers today are the most useful generation in history. In my opinion, however, today's generations are useful thanks to the previous ones. In my opinion, today's kids must try to take inspiration from the past, keeping only the positive things and leaving the negative. In my area, the difference can be made by helping the families in difficulty, helping the preparations for the village festival.. My friends and I try to help the village festival, with the oratory, the summer boys and every 2 years with the valley mini-Olympics. In my opinion, doing the voluntary activity as well as helping people in difficulty, can also bring together the country and thus also managing to have fun with little!!

  9. Thomas L
    In my opinion it's true that American teens are the most helpful generation in history, but I think that it's a consequence of the fact that the generation before them caused a lot of damage, and now these damages to be repaired needs a lot of volunteering.
    In my area teens can make the difference doing a lot of volunteering like helping poor families to buy some food.
    My friends and I don't support any cause of volunteering, but I think that it is a very good thing to help people that really need it.

    1. Your post is identical to Andrea's one. πŸ‘Ž

  10. Simone Q.
    Yes, I agree with the author that American teenagers are the most useful generation because they do a lot of volunteering and there are many charities.
    To make a difference, we teenagers in our area could volunteer to help the elderly or the poorest families to buy food.
    My friends and I don't volunteer, but I'd like to do it, to help people in need.

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  11. Veronica G.
    I agree with the author but I think there are many other parts of the world where the teenagers can make a difference.
    In my area teenagers can’t do much because there aren’t association or institution; you can help the village festivals when the inhabitants meet to celebrate our tradition.
    My friend and I volunteer the village festivals during the summer.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly. Your text lacks some details.

  12. Emanuele B.
    In my opinion it's true that American teens are the most helpful generations in history. But not only American boys but also those of other continents.
    In my area there are not many opportunities to help those most in need, but we could start for example from the activities proposed by the protestant church or for example the sports center.
    my friends end I in summer try to help the valley miniolympics.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly. Your text lacks some details.

  13. Lorenzo G.
    Sono d'accordo con l'autore nell'affermare che la generazione degli adolescenti sia sicuramente la piΓΉ utile e quella che puΓ² fare la differenza su molte cose, ma non per forza quella americana.
    Qui da me ci sono piΓΉ occasioni per noi adolescenti di renderci utili e partecipare in qualche modo ad aiutare ma societΓ , ma moltissimi di noi non sono motivati o semplicemente non hanno voglia di fare volontariato o altre attivitΓ .

    1. Why have you written your post in Italian? πŸ‘Ž

      Please leave comments in English on this blog. πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

  14. Giulia C.
    Yes, I agree with the author that American teenagers are the most helpful generation in history. In my opinion because they are far ahead of us Italians and they face problems in a different and more useful way
    Teenagers can make a difference in my area, for example by helping older people go shopping at the supermarket, gardening in public green areas
    My friends and I don't volunteer because I don't have enough time.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

  15. Grosso A.
    After reading the text on page 76 I found that three quarters of American boys from 12 to 16 years of age volunteer, I think it's a very large number and it's a really nice thing that very young boys are interested in doing good. Being a small town (2000 inhabitants), if you want, volunteering is very easy, every year when there is a village festival you can help. Sometimes it happens that with friends volunteering is done especially at the beginning of the covid emergency in my country there was a need for people who brought the shopping to people who for various reasons could not go out. I think volunteering is a very nice thing because it is useful for everyone.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

  16. A.V
    I agree with the author, the generation of teenagers is certainly the most useful and the one that can make the difference on many things, but not necessarily the American one. Some guys from my country help organize some parties or distribute flyers for the red cross. Some of my friends are helping the red cross. I would like, but i postponing,maybe for laziness. However, it is a good thing to make a difference.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

  17. Luca P.
    After reading the article, I can say with pleasure that there are still good people, especially teens that want to help those who really need it. It's a good demonstration of love for the next one, it's a way that aim high, for people with an open minded. I also have helped someone with the volunteering or the summer center, going to the food shops and making "caritas".
    Those are actions that fill the heart of joy and that surely give the possibility of appreciate the little thing.

    1. 🌟🌟 Your ideas are interesting and original. Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  18. Giulia H

    I agree whit author,but not just teenagers in the America also teenagers in other countries have a helpful generation in history because the teenagers are the successors of the older generation, and their comprehensive qualities are the result of social inheritance and the education of the older generation.
    I think in my area teenagers can help a people or do a lot of volunteer and the first thing for teenagers is to be modest, study hard and work hardhthen have the sense of responsibility.The most important thing is self-confidence. Only self-confidence can do what we dare not imagine and unimaginable.

    1. 🌟🌟 Your ideas are interesting and original. Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  19. NANCY D.
    Yes, I agree with the author that American teenagers are the most useful generation because they do a lot of volunteering and other beneficial functions for the needy or homeless.
    To make a difference, we adolescents in our small way could volunteer to help associations that collect food for the homeless and for the poorest families. Or raise money for a center where people in need can stay.
    My friends and I don't volunteer, but in the future I'd like to do it, to help the people who need it.

    sorry for the delay but I was unable to send the text

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts.

  20. NicolΓ² G
    Yes I agree with the author. American teenagers today are the most useful generation in history. I think, however, today's generations are useful thanks to the previous ones. In my opinion, today's kids must try to take inspiration from the past, keeping only the positive things and leaving the negative. In my area, the difference can be made by helping the families in difficulty, helping the preparations for the village festival.. My friends and I try to help the village festival, with the oratory, the summer boys and every 2 years with the valley mini-Olympics. In my opinion, doing the voluntary activity as well as helping people in difficulty, can also bring together the country and thus also managing to have fun with little!!

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

  21. Nikita V

    I think it is a 50 and 50, teenagers in America are willing to volunteer but I also think that there are many more associations in America than in Italy, for example.
    In my area there are not many possibilities but you can, in the small, volunteer the red cross or make yourself available to give to the less fortunate.
    I don't volunteer, but my cousin and a friend do!
    On the red cross and they are happy to help!

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  22. Giulia G

    I agree with the author that the American teens are the most helpful because they do a lot of charity activities but for me they have more opportunities than Italian teen. In my area teens do some activity in particular in Pro Loco during summer festival and since mid June there is summer center for children. I and my friends aren't in Pro Loco but from two years we go at summer centre like animator and stay with other teens and children.

  23. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

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