3 RIAF / 3A RIM HOMEWORK 15th May 2020

1) Watch the how-to video created by Michael.

2) Imagine you have to create a short how-to video for the website howcast.com.
  • What topic would you choose for your how-to video? Why?
  • What sort of instructional information would you include?
  • Where would you shoot it?
Write down your ideas in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Virginia P
    1. C 2. H 3. B 4. D 5. E 6. A 7. F

    1. For my how- to video I would choose the cooking topic because, in this period of lockdown, I discovered my passion for cooking and sharing my recipes would be a very nice thing.
    2. I would include information about the choice of ingredients, the preparation of the dish and finally the plating. I could also indicate the quality of the ingredients and where the best could be found.
    3. I would shoot my video in the kitchen and in the dining room since I would deal with topics related to cooking.

  2. Chiara R.
    1.C 2.H 3.B/G 4.D 5.E 6.A 7.F
    1. I would choose volleyball as a topic because I love it and I think that could be very interesting to teach
    2. I would give instructions about training and about team play, or maybe even some techniques that I learnt in this years.
    3. I would shoot it in a big garden or in a gym, or wherever there's some space to play.

  3. Angela G
    1 - c; 2 - h; 3 - g|b; 4 - d; 5 - e; 6 - a; 7 - f

    1. For my how-to video I would choose the food & drink topic because, having more free time I decided to spend more time in the kitchen; I discovered new interesting recipes and adapted them to my diet and I’d like to share them to help other people find new recipes to replace the boring ones.
    2. I would include information about the choice of ingredients and their quantities of course, the preparation of the recipe in a simple and quick way but also smart tips for beginners.
    3. I would shoot my how-to video in my kitchen to make the video as familiar as possible but also to have near all the tools I need.

  4. Francesco c

    1.C 2.H 3.B 4.D 5.E 6.A 7.F

    1) for my how-to video I would like to choose the friends topic, because in my opinion in life without friends you can't go on happy.
    2) I would give information on how a person should behave to become his friend, a sort of tutorial on the attitude to have with new people
    3) i would shoot my video in any place, it's enough that if it's outdoors there is the sun, if in the house it must have bright colors

  5. Sabrina F.

    1-C; 2-H; 3-G/B; 4-D; 5-E; 6-A; 7-F

    I would choose the "Food and Drink" topic because I love to cook, learn and experiment with new dishes in the kitchen, especially desserts. For this reason I would like to make a video where I explain the perfect recipe for brownies, they are really good and simple! I explain the ingredients, the doses, the cooking times and some tricks. Moreover, every person can do it as they wish because it is also a customizable recipe and you can have fun with various additions of ingredients, in any case they are always good.
    Since it is a recipe, the ideal place would be the kitchen to make the video and show every step.

  6. Federica Z.
    1-C 2-H 3-B/G 4-D 5-E 6-A 7-F
    1)For my demonstration video I would choose the kitchen because in the last two months I have discovered my passion for cooking and I would like to share my recipes with others.
    2)I would include information on the quantity of the ingredients, tips to make the recipe better and I could give personal coins to help those who watch the video, if they might like the recipe or not.
    3)I would shoot the video at my house to be more comfortable and because I have what I need for the recipe.

  7. Debora V.

    1) For my how-to video I would choose the "Pan cake of stars", because in this period of lockdown I tried some different recipes but this one is the recept that I prefer do and it is the best one.
    2)I want to include the ingredients and their quantity, the process to create the basis and how to make the whipped cream. Than I'm going to tell you the time that you need for make the cake and finally the time that the cake need to stay in the fridge.
    3)I would shoot my video in the kitchen because is more comfortable because I have all the ingredients and all the cooking utensils that I need for cooking this cake.

  8. Elena C.
    1- For my how-to video I choose the topic about cooking especially about cake (I prefer cake than savoury). I like trying new recipes and I think it's very nice that people can change recipes looking my video.
    2.I would give informations about the preparation but also little suggestions about the best ingredients and where you can find them.
    3.I shoot my video in a simple kitchen because the kitchen is the place where working easily whit all objects for cook nearby.

  9. Michelle F.
    1) For my how-to video I would chose the volleyball topic because I love it and I think other people might like it too
    2) I could give information about the game rules, trainings or the most comfortable clothes to play
    3) I'd shoot my video in a garden or in a gym so I could talk and give information but also play with the ball

  10. Maria Fernanda H.

    1. C 2. H 3. B 4. D 5. E 6. A 7. F

    2.I would choose a cooking topic for my how-to video, specifically ‘how to do a Pumpkin spice latte’ at home, because it’s my favorite fall drink.

    3. I would include the recipe: ingredients, how is it made and how you can serve and drink it. I would also include information about ingredients that could be replaced in case of food intolerances or preferences.
    4. I would for sure shoot it in my kitchen while following the recipe.

  11. 1.C 2.H 3.G/B 4.D 5.E 6.A 7.F

    1) For my how-to video I'd probably choose the music topic because it's my passion and I think that a lot of people are searching a new hobby during this period of lockdown
    2)I'd include some tips to train the voice, the basics of piano and ukulele and I'd like to suggest songs too
    3)I'd shoot it at my home because it's more comfortable and it's where my instruments are. But the singing and the ukulele could sometimes be done in my garden with a nice atmosphere.

    Alessia T.

  12. Silvia C.
    1. For my how-to video I would choose the hair cut topic, because I did it on myself in this period of lockdown.
    2. I would include information about the right scissors to use and about the place, but first we have to be convinced about this choice.
    3. I would shoot it in my bathroom or in a room with a mirror.

    1 c ; 2 h ; 3 g/b ; 4 d ; 5 e ; 6 a ; 7 f

    1_ For my video tutorial i would choose the topic "cooking", because in this last period I have discovered that I have a great passion and I would like to share my recipes with others.
    2_ I would include information about the choice of ingredients, the preparation of the recipe but I would also give simpler tips for beginners.
    3_ I would prefer to shoot my video in my kitchen to be as comfortable as possible and then because I believe that the kitchen is the most ideal place to cook.

  14. Victoria C.

    1C - 2H - 3B/G - 4D - 5E - 6A - 7F

    1) For my how-to video I would choose ''food and drink'' because in the last period I've cooked a lot and above all, I like so much this type of videos in fact sometimes I watch them online or on TV.

    2) I would give instruction about the dishes' preparation and above all give personal advice or maybe do rewies about the produits that I've tried.

    3) I would shoot my video in my kitchen because this place is the most ideal for this type of video.

  15. Fabio B.
    C1 H2 G3 D4 E5 A6 F7
    • I would like to choose sport and fitness, because a good training can improve every people in health and in fit
    • is so important train all parts of corps, I could give alls the information about how many times training in a week, when and where
    • I would shoot my video in the living room because also if we stay at home we can train the corps.

  16. Francesco P
    1C 2H 3B 4D 5E 6A 7F
    1 For my How-to video i would choose the "how to make dread topic", because it's a very easy thing to do
    2 For the instructional information I would only include how to take care and the meausure of the crochet
    3 I would shoot my video in a casual room because I only need to record my hand and a piece of hair

  17. Michela O


    1)for my video I would like to create a monthly workout to keep fit in view of the summer, since in quarantine many people eat a lot and do little sport.

    2)well, first of all I would say that doing sports first of all helps the mind, concentration and health.
    then I would like to start by illustrating exercises on the respective parts of the body and finally explain how to do it in the most correct way, perhaps adding some diet.

    well, I would shoot it in a place where I know it can be more comfortable for everyone, so I would say parks, in the living room.

  18. Stefano Perotti
    1C-2H-3G / B-4D-5E-6A-7F
    1. For my how-to video I would choose sport and fitness, because in my opinion, in this period in which we are closed at home, keeping our body trained is very important.
    2.I would give information on the types of exercises to be performed on the whole body, on their duration and I would give personal advice on how to perform them better.
    3.I would shoot my video in the garden, because it is good for health to train outdoors

  19. Rosanna I.
    1.C, 2.H, 3.G/B, 4.D, 5.E, 6.A, 7.F

    1) for my video tutorial i would talk about the various cooking recipes, especially the dessert. for afret meals or for snacks.
    2)as instructional information i would certainly put the name of the dessert, the various ingredients, the doses, the nutritional table and maybe if it is healthy or not.
    3) i would shoot it in a kitchen, because it is a matter of food

  20. Michael Paira

    1C 2H 3G 4D 5E 6A 7F

    1) I would choose ping pong, because is a good sport and not very difficult 2) I would give instructions about ping pong and more techniques that i did for improve. 3) I would shoot my sport in a big room where put the table and be comfortable

  21. Francesca marassi
    1. For my video demonstration I would choose the rhythmic gymnastics, because I have been practicing it for 13 years and it is my passion.
    2. In the video I would talk about the elements, tools, bodies, evaluation methods and above all my experience; finally I would show some elements.
    3. I would record this video in my gym when it is accessible or in my garden.

  22. Serra Sabrina
    1C- 2H- 3G/B- 4D- 5E- 6A- 7E
    1)for my how-to video I would choose how to dye my hair, because during the quarantine I dyed it myself, and I could better explain how to do it because I did it myself.
    2)I would include a pencil to separate the strands well and I would include the place where it can be found even if 90% have a pencil in the house.
    3) I would recommend doing the color in the bathroom, to have everything at your fingertips, and because once you have waited you can take a shower directly.

  23. Tommaso L.
    1C- 2H- 3G/B- 4D- 5E- 6A- 7F

    1)For my video I decided to show you how I make the hot chocolate, because I love this drink mostly in winter.

    2)In my video tutorial I included some basic steps to make it in the correct way.
    One of the steps most important is to buy quality chocolate, then put the chocolate in a small pot and put all on the cooker with a medium fire. After a couple of minutes you can stir with a spoon till it’s liquid. I can’t put butter or milk because I’m allergic so sometimes I add some soya milk.

    3) I would shoot it in a kitchen.

  24. Erika S.
    1. 1. C, 2. H, 3. B/G, 4. D, 5. E, 6. A, 7.F

    1. For my how-to video I would choose the food topic, because in this period I have cooked lots of salty foods and desserts of course!

    2. I would give instructions about the ingredients, their quantities, the cooking methods and the necessary to prepare the recipe.

    3. I would shoot the video in my kitchen because the tools are easy to find.

  25. Sofia Guerra
    c, h, b-g, d, e, a, f
    1. if I had to make a “how-to video” I would choose a recipe because in this quarantine I enjoyed cooking, especially cakes.
    2. I would include the list of the ingredients, the directions and some pictures of the final result.
    3. I would shoot it in my kitchen.

  26. Davide A.
    1C- 2H- 3G/B- 4D- 5E- 6A- 7F

    1- for my how-to video i would choose the fitness exercise; because in these period is very important do exercise at home, because the gym are closed in these period.
    2-I want to give information on the typical exercises that can be done at home, how many days to do the exercise and where to make them.
    3- i would shoot my video in a room in the house or in the garage because i need a lot of space.

  27. Kevin B.

    1-c, 2-h, 3-g/b, 4-d, 5-e, 6-a, 7-f

    1) For my how-to video i would choose the hair cut topic, because in this period all hairdressers are closed.

    2) I would give information about the way of how you cut your hair and how not to dirty everything.

    3) I would shoot it in my bathroom because there is a lot of light but you can do it anywhere.

  28. Nicola I.

    1C- 2H- 3G / B- 4D- 5E- 6A- 7F

    1.For my how-to video I would choose to make reviews on films / tv series, because in this period of quarantine I have seen many films and tv series, which I really appreciated.
    2.I would like to give opinions on which films to watch and why, and create some sort of folders for each type of person.
    3.To make the video I just need a room with a chair and some notes from which to take inspiration.

  29. Andrea C.
    1c 2h 3g/b 4d 5e 6a 7f
    1.during this period everyone needs a space where to train in his own housed that's why i have chosen to create the video "how to create your own gym at home
    2.in this video I would say that creating a usufel space where to train it's easy:you need just a sport carpet and some weighs.
    3.the perfect place where to shoot this video is the room in which I created my personal gym. There I have all my furnitures, so I can show my viewers exactly what I mean

  30. Francesco V
    1) for my how-to video I would choose sport and fitness, because in this period I think this is very important do exercise at home for our body.
    2) in my video I would talk about the exercise to train at home with a lot of informations and many examples.
    3) i would shoot my video in the garden or on the balcony because it will take a lot of space.

  31. GIULIA B
    1.C 2.H 3.G / B 4.D 5.E 6.A 7.F
    For my how-to I would choose “how-to make notes” as title, an obviously I would give some advice, because I know lots of people who aren’t that good in this. I don’t write so well, but I know that with colours and good schemes everything can look cool, and in my video I would include tips like what are the perfect pen and where you can buy them. I would record it in my room with the help of my mother.

  32. Alice T.
    1=C / 2=H / 3=B / 4=D / 5=E / 6=A / 7=F
    1= For my video I would choose how to make the ballet bun because, although it seems easy to do, the masters want it in a certain way. I would also show the different forms they can take.
    2= I would include how to make the tail, at what height, how to put the net, how and where to put the hairpins and where to put the decorative light or elastic for decorate the ballet bug
    3= I would make my video in the bathroom or anywhere where there is light and a mirror because I can see what I’m doing

  33. Antonio M.
    1)C 2)H 3)B 4)D 5)E 6)A 7)F
    for my how-to video i would choose "health and sport" as title because in the last 2 years, my life has changed because i had started to get interested about gym and diet.
    i would speak about any personal event, my experience and my mistakes.
    i would make my video outdoor probably in a park because i love nature.

  34. Edoardo R
    1) for my how-to video i would choose the physical exercises , considering that se are closed at home, is a good opportunity to improve our fitness, having a lot of time .
    2) I would to give some information on how train many parts of our body , some types of exercises and explain the possible errors on exercises .
    3) I would shoot my video in some parts of my home , to diversify the video . The important thing is that there is space .

  35. Edoardo R
    1-c 2-h 3-b 4-d 5-e 6-a 7-f

  36. Alice A.
    1-c 2-h 3-b 4-d 5-e 6-a 7-f

    1. For my video tutorial, I would choose the topic I like best: horseback riding. During this period I had the opportunity to do a lot of research on the relationship that is created between horse and rider. Sharing my research and opinions would be a very useful thing for anyone like me looking for ideas to improve his relationship with the horse.
    2. I would include information both on the saddle work and on the work that can be done in the field and that would increase the horse's confidence in us. I could also complement the work I started doing with my horse, the improvements I have managed and the deteriorations and perhaps I would share new ideas and the opportunity to get help from those who watch my video.
    3. I would shoot my video with my horse, in the stable and on the lawn, where he spends a lot of time.

  37. Brun Noemi
    1. For my video tutorial choose to talk about animals; because I would like to know how different they are from each other, but they can also be very similar, and also because I like them very much.
    2. I would explain all the characteristics and behavior of the different animals.
    3. Vorrei girare il mio video in giardino o nel parco.
    1)C 2)H 3)B 4)D 5)E 6)A 7)F

  38. Daniel G.
    1.C; 2.H; 3.B; 4.D; 5.E; 6.A; 7.F

    1) i would choose to speak about how to repair a bike because i think that It Is important and only few people know how to do It.
    2)i would explain all piece of the bike and how they work for find istantly the problem that all bikers can have.
    3. I would shoot my video in my garage

  39. Valentina C.
    1C 2 H 3B 4D 5E 6A 7F
    For my video I would choose "food and drinks", because in this quarantine period I discovered that I have some quality for cooking cakes. So for the video I would choose to cook a nutella tart (which for now is my specialty). In my video tutorial I would give information on the ingredients, on how to maintain order without mixing the ingredients, on how to perform certain steps and some tricks for a better result. I would shoot this video in my kitchen.

  40. Cristina G.
    1C 2H 3B 4D 5E 6A 7F
    -for my how-to video I would chose gym and a good nutrition. I chose this topic because in this quarantine period I start to do more sport and to eat healthy food.
    -I would include some exercise that I do every day and some breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes that I eat very often.
    -I would shoot my video tutorial on kitchen and also in my bedroom where there is a place where I do my train.
