5A RIM HOMEWORK 15th May 2020

1) Download the PowerPoint Slides here.

2) Complete all the activities suggested.

3) Click here to download the answer key to the above-mentioned activities. Check the activities you have done.

4) Study pp 276, 277, 278, 279, 282, 280, 281, the slides and your notes. Use the following list of questions as guideline to understand and memorize concepts:
  • What is globalisation?
  • What is the KOF Index of Globalisation?
  • According to the KOF Index of Globalization, what are the three dimensions of globalisation?
  • What does each dimension consist of?
  • Is globalisation a recent phenomenon? Why? Why not?
  • What are some examples of early globalisation?
  • What were the two historical waves of modern globalisation?
  • What events have fostered globalisation in the 1990s?
  • What do you know about the Cold War?
  • In what way is the flow of information affected by globalisation?
  • In what way is culture affected by globalisation?
  • In what way is language affected by globalisation?
  • What does economic globalisation consist of?
  • What factors have fostered the phenomenon known as economic globalisation?
  • What are the four main players in the economic globalisation?
  • What issues does Robert Guest examine in his book “Borderless Economics”?
  • In what way are health issues affected by globalisation?
  • According to Bill Gates, what is the most likely cause of a global catastrophe?
  • What do you know about the Ebola outbreak and epidemic in 2014?
  • Can you outline Bill Gates's analysis of the Ebola outbreak and epidemic in 2014? What does he state?
  • What are the two main points of view on globalisation?
  • What are 3 convincing advantages of globalisation?
  • What are 3 convincing disadvantages of globalisation?
  • What opportunities does globalisation create for developing countries?
  • What threats does globalisation create for developing countries?
  • What opportunities does globalisation create for developed countries?
  • What threats does globalisation create for developed countries?
  • How could globalisation diminish the threat of war between countries?
  • What are the possible consequences of globalisation on the environment?

5) Write a short essay on globalisation in which you
  • give a definition of the term,
  • present globalisation as a multifaceted phenomenon and describe its main aspects,
  • present globalisation as a controversial topic and illustrate 3 arguments for both the benefits and the risks,
  • conclude with your personal opinion.
Write your essay in 220-260 words in an appropriate style in the Cambridge Write & Improve 5A RIM Workbook. Use only your coursebook and your notes as reference - do not use any online sources of information.

6) Post the final draft of your essay in the comment box below by Thursday 21st May 2020 at 1.50 pm. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. CF
    The globalization is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and government worldwide.
    Globalization has three main aspects which are economic, political and socio-cultural. The first one focuses on the integration of global economies as well as flow of trade and capital across nation borders, the second one seeks to reduce political tensions, individual problem and conflicts among nations, while with the third one, thanks to the raise of communication, information exchange and mass media, it can be easier to decrease the communication barrier, poverty (by helping the nations in need) and the differences in life style, culture and society among countries. There are also other aspects like health and technological.
    The benefits of globalization are the quicker and easier transport of goods and people, there is also an increase in free trade between countries; besides the global mass media connect all the people in the world, encouraging the interchange of cultures and finally the developed countries invest in developing ones, reducing poverty and helping improve healthcare and living conditions.
    On the other hand, globalization has some risks like ecological problems such as climate change due to the raise in pollution coming from transports; in addition poor countries are exploited by richer ones as the workforce is underpaid and working conditions are extremely precarious; lastly, the supply chain, the salaries, the consumers, the price and the production costs are similar in different countries.
    In conclusion in my opinion the phenomenon of globalization is risky given the resulting problems, but also important for the peaceful coexistence and the free trade between nations.
    WORDS: 263

    1. 🌟🌟 Acceptable re-elaboration of course materials. Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  2. Paula G

    Globalisation is the process through which ideas, people, goods, services and capitals are becoming interconnected as a result of a big growth in trade and cultural exchange.
    The phenomenon of globalisation affects every dimension of people’s daily lives and influences their choices and way of life.
    In fact, nowadays we can talk about: global technology & Information because of the Internet and advances in IT that are fast and free, informations are quickly expanded in all the world; Global culture because culture is more homogeneous and people can travel and explore more; Global language because it is necessary a common language to communicate with the world; Global health because of the continuous movements around the world, the risks of facing new diseases increase; Economic globalisation because barriers are removed and free trade is left to grow economies.
    These aspects are appreciated because in addition to decreasing the possibility of wars between countries, it creates advantages both for developing countries and for developed countries, such as reducing poverty, improving living conditions, healthcare and enabling the propagation of democratic ideals and human rights awareness.
    On the other hand, there are some disadvantages such as the fact that it widens the poverty gap,the ecosystem is threatened by the abuse of natural resources and poor countries are exploited by richer countries.
    In conclusion, we can say that globalization is a phenomenon that is growing but that unfortunately produces too many devastating effects for the planet and for man, therefore some phenomena should be limited.

    250 words

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Good re-elaboration of course materials. Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

  3. Globalization is the term used to state the process which make the world increasingly interconnected thanks to the free flow of goods, services, people and capitals around the globe.
    It concerns 3 main dimensions: social and cultural, economic and political, measurable with the KOF index of globalization.

    Globalization presents valid arguments for both benefits and risks.
    Firstly, people have better access to free information (because of improvements in communication and technology) and to health treatment (as medical research is shared worldwide). Globalization also increases free trade between countries with a big growth as a consequence. Moreover people can move and travel easier thanks to developments in transport, and they have more choice of products and services.
    On the other hand globalization may be blamed for widening the poverty gap as developed countries control and dominate the market, usually by outsourcing multinationals’ production in developing countries where the workforce is usually unpaid and workers (often young children) are in exploitative and dangerous conditions, in order to reduce their costs and maximize their profit. Besides, business and industrial activities often abuse of natural resources representing a big threaten for the ecosystem. In addition to that, powerful countries (USA first) take over the identity of others, resulting in cultural homologation.

    As stated, globalization is a very controversial phenomenon. However, a world without it would be unimaginable today as its aspects have profoundly affected people’s lives and still do, often making them easier. I personally think its benefits overcame its risks.
    250 w

    1. 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Excellent re-elaboration of course materials. Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

  4. L.D.

    Globalization is a phenomenon concerning the progressive developments that have taken place during the last 30 years, which nowadays allow people to exchange goods, services, capitals and even cultures worldwide.
    Globalization mainly works on three aspects: economic, political and cultural developments. The economic growth is very strongly linked to the removal of several barriers and tariffs, in order to encourage a free trade. For what concerns political issues, globalization has helped to calm down or totally solve tensions and conflicts amongst countries. Then, talking about social and cultural developments, problems like the spreading of information and communication, language barriers and lifestyle differences, have considerably decreased.
    But...all that glisters are not gold! In facts, globalization offers both benefits and risky consequences.
    For example, investing into backward countries in order to encourage their development, fighting famine and poverty, promoting a worldwide free trade and connecting people around the world through the Internet are definitely very important aspects.
    On the other hand, aspects like global warming and other environmental problems, the exploitation of natural resources in poor countries at the hand of richer ones, and what is more, the lack of workers' rights leading to underpayment and child labour are, without any doubt, some very controversial issues to deal with.
    In conclusion, it is easy to state that globalization helps in many ways the world to grow and develop, but as Albert Einstein used to say, "For each action there is an equal and opposite reaction", which in this case means that it is also impossible and unbearable to ignore the multiple problems it causes.

    WORDS: 261

    1. 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Excellent re-elaboration of course materials. Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

  5. Globalisation is an old phenomenon through which people, goods, services, capitals and ideas can be exchanged all around the world. However what does globalisation really consist of ?

    First of all globalisation interests every life aspect , not only countries' economies but also others dimension like cultural and technological ones. In fact people thanks to this process live in a interconnected world.
    Nevertheless it is also true that it eliminates cultural characteristic and languages of countries which have been taken over by a single and homogeneous culture. Moreover it has also increased the health risks since today diseases and infections, like COVID-19, can be spread everywhere really rapidly.

    These different aspects are the main things which make the globalization a complex and controversial process with many advantages and disadvantages.
    Firstly globalisation lets to people and goods to move easier and quicker in every pat of the word but this produce many negative environmental consequences . In fact the increase in transport means that there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere ,the main responsible for global warming.
    Secondly living in a interconnected world means that democratic humanitarian ideas can be propagated everywhere but this does not improve living standards everywhere. Controversely, poorer nations increase their level of poverty.
    Thirdly if globalisation creates employment in developing countries it also true that the workers are unpaid , don't have good work condition and people in developed states lose their job.

    All things considered I think that globalisation is an important and unstoppable phenomenon which created and continue to produce many benefits. However it needs to be improved a lot since the negative aspects are still too many. Only when there will be a fair interconnected world for everyone globalisation will be a really positive process.

    285 words

    1. 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Excellent re-elaboration of course materials. Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

  6. When we think about globalisation, the first thing that springs to mind is the term 'Globe'. In fact, globalisation is the word used to define a process that makes our world one big Country, thanks to the integration of economies and societies.
    Globalisation is composed of three dimensions: the Economic dimension, that is focused on create one big world market by removing barriers and by encouraging free trade. The second one is Social dimension, that has the task of simplify relations between people of different countries, the last one is the Political dimension that has the role of helping other developing countries or just maintaining relations with them.
    Everyone knows that globalisation has several advantages, like for example the ease with which people and goods can move around the world, the wide choice that customers have, due to the possibility of choosing products from all over the world, and also the opportunity of finding a job more easily.
    But have we ever considered that globalisation has also disadvantages? Probably we're realizing right now with the spread of COVID-19 that having a well-connected world isn't always a good thing. What is more, rich countries and multinationals tend to impose their supremacy upon backward countries and exploit their human and natural resources. Last but not least there's also the environmental problem, that is increasing dramatically due to the abuse of natural resources and the overuse of fossil fuels that pollute the air.
    Personally, I believe that globalisation is essential to allow everyone a dignified life, but I think that firstly we should respect the environment and then be worried about our purchases that come from Far East.
    275 w

    1. 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Excellent and interesting re-elaboration of course materials. Clear, quite correct and orderly.

  7. Federico D.P.

    The globalisation is the word of the phenomenon that means that flow of ideas, people, goods and services are interconnected between different cultures and countries.

    The globalisation has many different dimensions: global technology, global language and global health. The global technology has been very important for the globalisation, because the Internet has removed the barriers among countries. In this way it is easier to communicate with other countries. The most important language nowadays is certainly English, because it is a language that it is spoken in every corner of the world (U.K, U.S.A., Australia etc.). Regarding the global health, the innovations in medicine can be shared among countries in an easier way, so there are less illnesses that can't be cured. But it is also true that with the increase in goods there is more possibility to have a global heath issue. And at the moment we are fighting against the Covid-19.

    But there aren't only benefits in the globalisation. In fact there is a lot of pollution caused by the development of globalisation. The poor countries are by the rich countries. But also employees in developed countries lose their jobs when work is outsourced to developing countries.

    In conclusion, I think that it is a process very important because it helps companies and countries to interface with other countries and different cultures.

    1. 🌟🌟 Acceptable re-elaboration of course materials. Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  8. The globalisation is the increased movement of goods, people, capital and ideas due to greater economic integration which is driven by increased trade and investment.

    The main aspects of globalisation are: global technology and information, global culture and language, economic globalisation and global health. Thanks to the Internet and advances in IT, the movement of information is now possible,fast and free. Also we have access to an incredible variety of food and to individual, unique products made by local producers in remote pars of the world. Fashon and music from different countries are being fused and renvented all the time. If we want or need to communicate with the world, is necessary a common or single language: the current dominant language of the world is English. National governments remove barriers to international trade and investment, but the increase in the number of people and products which move around the world has led to an increase in the risk of global health issues, for example the current spread of Covid-19.
    Globalization presents valid arguments for both benefits and risks.
    Firstly the transport of goods and people is quicker and easier, people have more options to choose from among the products of different nations and global mass media connect all people in the world, encouraging the interchange of cultures.
    On the other hand the globalisation widens the poverty gap, increases the domination and crontol by powerful multinationals anche poor countries are exploited by richer countries.

    In conclusion we can say that globalization has been very useful in many aspects, despite some negatives.

    260 W

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Acceptable re-elaboration of course materials. Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

  9. Greta F.

    The term "globalisation" is the process by which the world is becoming interconnected as a result of a big growth in trade and cultural exchange.
    It's about an old phenomenon because economic and social integration has been going on since people first started exploring the world, trading goods and migrating to other countries.
    Globalisation has many different dimensions like for example social, cultural, technological which can be divided into positive and negative. Let’s look the positive ones.
    First of all the flow of information is affected by globalisation because the mouvement of free and fast information is now possible and the Internet has removed the barriers that lead to the isolation of counties.
    Secondly thanks to globalisation we have access to individual products made by local producers, music and fashions from different countries is fused and many more of us have the chance to travel.
    Another positive aspect concerns the health because globalisation benefits those with health problems and individuals have better access to treatments.
    On the other hand globalisation can have a negative impact on human lives: as regards the economy, the competition among countries increases and this produces reductions in wages or job insecurity.
    In addition to this globalisation causes ecological and health problems and infectious diseases.
    In fact the increase in the number of people and products had allowed to a rise in the risk of global health issues.
    In conclusion in my opinion globalisation is a phenomenon without whom we cannot live but besides that it’s essential to protect and respect the environment and human lives.

    260 WORDS

    1. 🌟🌟 Acceptable re-elaboration of course materials. Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  10. Alessia R.
    The term “globalisation” comes from the transformation of the word “global”. Globalisation consist in the commercial and cultural exchange of the various countries of the world and this leads to the integration of economics and societies.
    Globalisation has many different dimensions like technology and information, culture, language and health. Global technology and information consists in fast and free movement of information thank the Internet. Global culture is the exchange of traditions, food, music, fashion and work between states, but it can also be interpreted as the change from different culture to the creation of a single culture. Global language consists in communication between the various parts of the world and this leads to have a common language to be able to communicate with everyone. Global health is the intervention of doctors from all over the world during a pandemic or an epidemic.
    Globalisation has many benefits such as the speed and semplicity with which people moves and goods are transported, therefore an increase in free trade between countries; there is also aid between countries such as developed countries help developing countries to reduce poverty and improve their living conditions.
    But globalisation has also some risks such as the domination and control by powerful multinationals; rich countries exploit poor countries with underpaid work.
    In conclusion, I think globalisation is important to communicate between the countries of the world and it is important to advance the economy of every single state, but it produces also many international problems that must be faced together.
    251 words.

    1. 🌟🌟 Acceptable re-elaboration of course materials. Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  11. Stefano Andrea G.

    The globalisation is the process in which there's an increasingly free flow of ideas, people, goods, services and so on, to the integration of economies and societies.

    This World famous process has three main dimensions, such as the economic dimension, the social and cultural dimension and lastly the political dimension.
    There is no better dimension than the others, because all three work together to create this process called Globalisation. In fact the economic dimension has created a big world market by removing trade barriers and encouraging free trade.
    In a like manner, also the social dimension has removed some barriers. For istance it has simplified relations and connections within people of all country in the World.
    Moreover there is a last dimension to state, which is the political one. As might be expected, this dimension has helped to calm down or totally solve frictions and conflicts between countries.

    Unfortunately, globalization also has negative as well as positive aspects. In fact thanks to Globalisation, transports of goods and people is way quicker and easier than b4. Not to mention the fact that Globalisation decreses the possibility of war between developped countries. “Last” but not least, the Global mass media can connect all people in the World and in this period of lockdown, without Global media we would be lost, online classes wouldn’t be possible as well as meeting friends online.
    On the other hand, Globalisation can cause some troubles all around the Wold. As a result to this, the domination and control by powerful multinationals and corporations might corrupts national governments. Another dangerous effect of globalization is the condition of weak sections of the society, as they are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer.
    Lastly the Globalisation is also blamed for spreading infectious diseases all around the World, such as obesity or a most recent one: the Covid-19.

    in conclusion, despite the issues that Globalisation can make, it is a process too important to be stopped or even limited.

    Words: 299

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite good re-elaboration of course materials. Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  12. Erika S.

    The word "Globalisation" is relatively new but the phenomenon is not. It is a process where there is a continuous flow of ideas, people, services, goods and capital leading to the integration of economies and societies.
    There are two waves of globalisation.
    The first one is characterised by the invention of the Industrial Revolution until the time of World War I and the Great Depression.
    The second began after the World War II with international talks and agreements to facilitate economic growth and reduce the forms of protectionism.
    Globalisation covers different aspects.
    As regards the technological, the Internet has facilitated a fast exchange of any kind of information in any part of the world by decreasing any type of isolation.
    Instead as regards the cultural, trying to create a homogeneous culture can be seen as a negative but at the same time positive. For example while staying in our country we can experience any variety of food without having to travel.
    Globalization can also impact the political and economic sphere through health problems for example the infectious diseases.
    On the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation we can say that among the advantages the transport og goods and people is easier, people have more options to choose from the products and there is an increase in free trade between countries. On the risks we can say the domination and control by powerful multinationals, higher risk of the spread of communicamble diseases and poor countries are exploited by richer countries.
    To conclude I think that globalization is a big step forward in the world sphere but it can be transformed into a weapon when it becomes an exploitation for poor countries.

    1. 🌟🌟 Acceptable re-elaboration of course materials. Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  13. Globalization is the phenomenon caused by the intensification of exchanges of people, goods and services and the international investments.

    Globalization today affects multiple fields.
    First of all, there is the globalization of information technology. Thanks to the Internet and the World Wide Web, the exchange of information is faster and more free today.
    Furthermore, there is also cultural globalization which allows the transmission of ideas, meanings, and values all over the world, in a way that extends and intensifies social relations. It also allows you to travel more easily.
    Then there is linguistic globalization. It allows an easier communication, especially with a dominant language which today is English.
    Finally, there is also the globalization of health, which has many negative aspects since with the continuous movement of goods and people there are many risks of pandemics and viruses. Despite this, it also has positive aspects as it allows easier access to health services and the sharing of research and discoveries on vaccines and more.
    As regards globalization in general, thanks to it today the chances of wars between developed countries have been reduced, moreover democratic ideas and free trade have become more widespread.
    Unfortunately, globalization does not only have benefits, but also negative aspects. In fact there is the predominance and control by multinationals, moreover the poorest countries are exploited by advanced countries and finally cultural diversities are disappearing.

    In conclusion, I can say that despite the many negative aspects of globalization, I am happy to live in an era where the whole world is interconnected.

    256 words


    1. 🌟🌟 Acceptable re-elaboration of course materials. Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  14. The globalisation is the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale. This process is a very important and current phenomenon that influence the 3 main aspects of the modern society, economic, political and socio-cultural, and it affects also many choices in the lives of all the people around the world. But, is the globalisation a good factor for society and the human being?

    We can say that the globalisation has some good aspects and also many defects.
    In the first place it's true that globalisation gave the possibility to all the people to discover the other cultures and traditions of the countries around the world. For example today in Italy we have a lot of new restaurants that offer the chance to try new dishes that comes from a different country.
    In a second place, the globalisation has made the transport of goods, services, people and informations faster and safer for the population. In fact, today, we have a lot of planes who travels all around the world and the Internet has made the exchange of information quicker.
    On the other hand, the globalisation has also increased the emissions of co2 in the atmosphere and the production of garbage. In addinction there is also the risk of homologate all the countries and of lose the national identities.

    In conclusion, we can say that the globalisation can improve the economies of the countries and allow a faster transport, but the still are too many cultural and environnamental risks
    D.C 257 words

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite good re-elaboration of course materials. Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  15. Globalisation is the process by which the world is becoming increasingly interconnected as a result of increased trade and cultural exchange.

    Globalisation has many different dimensions, like that social, cultural, technological, economic and financial. These aspects influence our everyday life in different ways.

    Globalization has many positive aspects, such as the internet connection, where people can quickly exchange information anywhere in the world.
    We have the possibility to have in our country different types of goods from all over the world, such as food, music and fashion.
    Thanks to globalization there are low cost airlines that permit us to travel the world.
    There is a dominant language, currently English, which allows people from different countries to understand each other.

    But unfortunately globalization has also many negative sides, such as having different types of products from all over the world without leaving our country, makes homogeneous the different cultures.
    One of the major drawbacks of globalisation is global warming and climate change, caused by pollution of transport.
    Finally, globalization has caused one of the biggest problems we’re going through today, like pandemics, infections, and everything that causes health problems. The effects of these problems can be seen through history, such as the Black death of the 14th century and the coronavirus of 2019 that have and are causing thousands of deaths.

    In conclusion, I think globalization is very important because it allows us to know better the world and its different cultures, but often its negative aspects are underestimated.

    1. 🌟🌟 Acceptable re-elaboration of course materials. Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  16. Valentina B.
    Globalisation is the process through which an increasingly free flow of people, services and ideas to the integration of economis and societies.

    Globalisation has many different aspects such as global technology & information in which internet and advances in IT are very important and useful to spread information in a faster way and all over the world.
    Then we have the cultural aspect. Thanks to globalisation, nowadays we have a lot of multicultural places that offers the opportunity to find typical food, music etc from different countries in our own country.
    An other important aspect, maybe the most important, is the language. This aspect is fundamental in what concerns globalisation because it allows people to communicate from different countries.
    Last but not least aspect of globalisation is health. Globalisation has brought both, negative and positive aspects.
    First of all, with this phenomenon the countries borders are open, which means that every single person can travel from one country to an other one and this sometimes can represent a problem due to there is a strong possibility to spread infectious diseases globally.
    But on the other hand, thanks to this, lots of people that need to have specific treatment in a particular country, now has this chance.

    At the end, there are many advantages and disadvantages of globalisation.
    As we said before, globalisation has increased the free trade between countries, then it has also created an intercultural world and it has given the possibility to choose by different products.
    But, there are also many problems like environmental problems, exloitations of poor countries and the domination of powerful multinationals.

    In my personal opinion, globalisation is an important phenomenon constantly moving that brings obviously positive and negative aspects.

    285 words

    1. 🌟🌟 Acceptable re-elaboration of course materials. Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  17. Robert Alexandru N.

    "Globalisation" is the term we used to describe the process through which an increasingly free flow of ideas, people, goods, services and capital leads to the integration of economies and societies.

    It's surely a multifaced phenomenon, with different dimensions, social, cultural, technological, economic, financial and political.
    Nowadays the main aspects regards technology, culture, language and health.
    Thanks to the internet we can have a fast and free movement of information in the world, that is changing from diverse multicultural places to a single culture thanks to the access to the incredible variety of products and goods and we have the opportunity to travel and live new experiences because of the improvements in transport.
    Globalisation make also easier to communicate with other people in different parts of the world and thanks to communication we can also argue about health problems and increase the research shared worldwide.

    Globalisation, unfortunately, it's also a controversial topic, there are some risks near to the benefits.
    Somepeople think USA had create a erosion of cultural diversity because of its products, others think that a one dominant language can lead to the disappearance of local dialects and still others think that because of the fact that the globalisation has removed the barriers between the countries, its easier to increase the risks of health issues that can have a political and economical impact .

    To conclude, I think that we have to leave aside the negative aspects of the phenomenon to focus on the positive ones and take advantage of them, to grow as citizens of the world.

    (260 Words)

    1. 🌟🌟 Acceptable re-elaboration of course materials. Most clear, quite correct.

  18. Globalisation is the process by which the world grow closer together, mainly due to the development of technology and communication, and which causes the mix of cultures, languages and economies.

    Globalisation is known to have a major impact on three main aspects of our lives, the economical, the social and the political ones, which are directly measured by the KOF index. The economic facet concerns free trade, business exchanges and the growing integration of economies, whereas the political one involves pacific and equal interactions between international governments. In addition there’s the social aspect, which implies the mix of lifestyles and cultural costumes, the reduction of language barriers and the growing access to medical treatment.

    Despite its positive effects, many would contend that it’s quite impudent to consider globalisation as a beneficial process, making it a highly controversial topic.
    In fact it has been shown that it favors developed countries and widens poverty gaps, demolishes cultural diversity and facilitates the worldwide spread of diseases. However, these downsides could be easily overshadowed by its advantages.
    Thanks to the global advances in the IT , international trade and exchanges laws, possibilities of traveling and communicating with people from all over the world have been drastically enhanced.

    As I see it, if promoted within certain limits and regulations, globalisation is an extremely crucial process, which must stimulated and which can make one feel connected with minorities, groups, communities and people from all over the world.

    241 words

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Good re-elaboration of course materials. Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

  19. The globalisation is a phenomenon caused by the exchanges and the investments around the world. This trade are grew up thanks to the world economy.
    Globalisation has many different dimention which are social, cultural, technological, economic, financial and political.
    Firstly, one of the most important is global culture. This allows you to exchange a lot of things around the world. For example there are many TV talent show which are broadcast all over the world. Also this phenomenon to allows exchange food and also music between countries.
    Secondly the language is most important. But, I think that the largest globalisation is global health. It to allows that countries to work together for find certain treatments. An example it's now, who several person are collaboring to find a vaccine against the coronavirus.
    Finally, globalisation has the advantages and the disadvantages.
    The most important advantages are that globalisation makes sure that the people shall to have a wide selection of products, the globalisation help to reduce poverty and, finallt, thanks to globalisation there is an increase in free trade between countries.
    But, also, there are some disadvantages. For example there is a higher risk of the spread of communicable diseases, or a lot of employees in developed countries lose their jobs when work is outsourced to developing countries, and, finally, there is a lot of domination and control by powerful multinationals.
    To conclude, I think that globalisation is most important and useful for countries, but a lot of disadvantages need improvement.
    250 words

    1. 🌟🌟 Acceptable re-elaboration of course materials. Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  20. Fabio B

    As it was reported from the International Monetary Fund, globalisation is described as a process through which the free flow of ideas and goods becomes international.
    A word which could describe the globalisation's phenomenon would be "multifaced", since it affects most aspects of our life: health, the different technological means we use everyday but especially our culture.
    Focusing on the technology and the information available for us, it is overwhelming to think that even with a small object like a smartphone anyone can be globally connected.
    The word "multifaced" could also refer to the cultural differences that would meet in an exchange of goods or services.
    Talking about globalisation's most importants aspects, the role of TV has to be in there: it affects people's choices, mainly due to advertisement; music and fashion can show themselves to the whole world: that is the reason why they have reinveted themselves by fusing together.
    It is safe to say that the English language is still the key of communication when we talk about globalisation: even if other idioms are currently making their way through, English is yet the dominant language for the business world and the information age.
    Globalisation has its pros and his cons: although transports are faster than ever, they threaten the environment with their waste gases. Global mass media connect the globe, but this causes powerful multinational industries to rule the market. Lastly, globalisation could cause a widespread of health problems, which can be fought with the access to necessary goods.
    Personally, i think that the world has much more variety thanks to globalisation: most of our everyday-objects might not come from our country and i'm absolutely grateful for that.

    280 words

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Quite good re-elaboration of course materials. Most clear, quite correct and orderly.
