2A AFM HOMEWORK 8th May 2020


Conditional Sentences Type 0

1) Watch the video below.

Watch the video again and take notes on your notebook in a new section dedicated to "Conditional Sentences - Conditionals Type 0".

2) Download here a worksheet to do some practice in Conditionals Type 0. Print it. Then, read and study the grammar explanation and after that, do the 3 exercises suggested.

3) Click here to see the keys to the 3 exercises. Compare them to your answers and check what you have done.

4) In the comment box below, list 3 things that you have learnt in today's English lesson, 2 things you find easy/challenging about Conditional Sentences and 1 question you still have about Conditional Sentences. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. NANCY D.
    1) I learned that zero conditional is used to talk about trhuts and facts. things that are Real in the world, But we also use it to talk about habits rules and instructions
    2) I learned the difference between" if" and "when"
    3) I learned that the first conditional is used to talk about possible future results that may or may not happen.
    4) I find the difference between "when" and "if" fairly simple and I also find the use of coonditional zero simple
    5) my question is: when can zero conditional be used? and when the first conditional ?, and which one is used most often in the spoken language?

    1. You have written 3 questions in the end 😅

      A1- The Zero Conditional is a structure used to talk about general truths — things which always happen under certain conditions, e.g. If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils.

      A2- The First Conditional is a structure used to talk about possibilities in the present or in the future, e.g. If it's sunny, we'll go to the park (maybe it will be sunny — that's possible).

      A3- Both Zero Conditional and First Conditional are used in spoken and written language. It depends on what you want to say or write. The Zero Conditional is used to express certainties, while the First Conditional is used to express possibilities about a specific situation

      Hope this helps! Let me know.

    2. Nancy D. yes prof sorry for all the questions I asked��, however yes his answers helped me to understand better

  2. Emiliano.L
    I learned that zero conditional is used when there are conditions and consequences.
    My question is when the first conditional and zero conditional?

    Then I learned that in the question in the consequences we must put do or does.
    Finally i realized that zero conditional is used to give instruction or advice and in this cases the imperative or a model is often used.
    I find it easy to ask with if.
    One thing I found Easy to Do was conjugate the verbs.

    1. The Zero Conditional is used to express certainties, while the First Conditional is used to express possibilities about a specific situation.

      The Zero Conditional is a structure used to talk about general truths — things which always happen under certain conditions, e.g. If the temperature drops to zero degrees, it snows. This is a scientific fact — snowing needs temperatures below zero degrees.

      The First Conditional is a structure used to talk about possibilities in the present or in the future, e.g. If the temperature drops to zero degrees, it will snow. There are good chances it can snow in the speaker’s hometown or city, but it still might not. It is a possibility in a specific situation.

      Hope this helps! Let me know.

  3. Nicolò M.
    I learned that conditional zero is used to talk about constant conditions, I learned that it is used with real facts and give indications in some situations. I didn't understand all the differences between conditional zero and first conditional, but with the exercises I understood a little better. I find conditional zero quite simple, and it stimulates me to know well when using conditional zero and when the first conditional is used. My questions is which between conditinal zero and prime is most used in the English language

    1. Both Zero Conditional and First Conditional are used in spoken and written language. It depends on what you want to say or write. The Zero Conditional is used to express certainties, while the First Conditional is used to express possibilities about a specific situation.

      Hope this helps! Let me know.

  4. Simone Q.
    1) I learned that the conditional is based on the preposition if
    2) I learned that the zero conditional is used to talk about habits and truths
    3) I learned that the first conditional is used for real or possible situations both in the present and in the future.
    I found it simple to use conditional zero and conjugate verbs.
    My question is which is most used between conditional zero ansd first conditional.

    1. Both Zero Conditional and First Conditional are used in equal measure in spoken and written language. It depends on what you want to say or write. The Zero Conditional is used to express certainties, while the First Conditional is used to express possibilities about a specific situation.

      Hope this helps! Let me know.

  5. Andrea R.
    In today's lesson I've learned that we use conditional zero to talk about constant conditions, then I've learned that in consequences questions we have to put do or does, and finally I've learned that zero conditional is used to give instructions.
    For me how to applicate zero conditional is quite easy, but for me when applicate it is very challenging.
    So can you explain me when I have to use zero conditional and when I have to use first conditional?

    1. The Zero Conditional is used to express certainties, while the First Conditional is used to express possibilities about a specific situation.

      The Zero Conditional is a structure used to talk about general truths — things which always happen under certain conditions, e.g. If the temperature drops to zero degrees, it snows. This is a scientific fact — snowing needs temperatures below zero degrees.

      The First Conditional is a structure used to talk about possibilities in the present or in the future, e.g. If the temperature drops to zero degrees, it will snow. There are good chances it can snow in the speaker’s hometown or city, but it still might not. It is a possibility in a specific situation.

      Hope this helps! Let me know.

  6. Camilla T.
    In today's lesson I learned the use of the conditional; we use it to talk about truths and facts; things that are real in the world. Also use it to talk about habit, rules..
    I understand when using "if" and "when".
    On the end the conditional zero is quite simple.
    One thing I didn't quite understand is using the FIRST CONDITIONAL and how to figure out when to use them.
    I'm sorry again for the delay, soon!

    1. The First Conditional is a structure used to talk about possibilities in the present or in the future, e.g. If the temperature drops to zero degrees, it will snow. There are good chances it can snow in the speaker’s hometown or city, but it still might not. It is a possibility in a specific situation.

      Hope this helps! Let me know.

  7. Emanuele B.
    1)I Learned that conditional zero is used to talk about constant conditions.
    2)I Learned that the conditional is based on the proposition if.
    3)I Learned that the first conditional is used for Real or possible situation.
    I find that the conditional zero is quite simple but not immediate.
    My question is:when can zero conditional be used?

    1. The Zero Conditional is a structure used to talk about general truths — things which always happen under certain conditions, e.g. If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils.

  8. thomas L
    1) I learned that the conditional is based on the prepositionif
    2) I learned that the zero conditional is used to talk about habits and truths
    3) I learned that the first conditional is used for real or possible situations both in the present and in the future.
    I found it simple to use conditional zero and coniugate verbs.

  9. Arianna B.
    In this video I learned that the zero conditional is used to speak of certain truths, such as scientific facts and general habits. Instead in the firts is used to talk about unlikely or impossible situations in the present or future.
    The thinghs I find easy are the structure and how to use "if".
    The video was very clear so I have no questions.
    I'm sorry for the delay.

  10. Andrea O.
    I learned the different between that the zero conditional and the first conditional
    1)we can use the zero conditional when we talk about present truths
    2)we can use the first conditional when we talk about future possibilities
    3)Do English people use in the right way the zero and the first conditional during a talk?

    1. Yes, they do. Both Zero Conditional and First Conditional are used in equal measure in spoken and written language. It depends on what you want to say or write. The Zero Conditional is used to express certainties, while the First Conditional is used to express possibilities about a specific situation.

      Hope this helps! Let me know.

  11. Francesco P.

    I learned that conditional zero is used for certain consequences, and the first conditional is used for future possibilities.
    my question is: when can zero conditional and first conditional be used?

    1. Both are use when it comes to describe results under a certain condition, both in written and spoken language.

      The Zero Conditional is used to express certainties, while the First Conditional is used to express possibilities about a specific situation.

      The Zero Conditional is a structure used to talk about general truths — things which always happen under certain conditions, e.g. If the temperature drops to zero degrees, it snows. This is a scientific fact — snowing needs temperatures below zero degrees.

      The First Conditional is a structure used to talk about possibilities in the present or in the future, e.g. If the temperature drops to zero degrees, it will snow. There are good chances it can snow in the speaker’s hometown or city, but it still might not. It is a possibility in a specific situation.

      Hope this helps! Let me know.

  12. Grosso A.
    The two things I learned from today's lesson are: the first is that the conditional is based on the preposition if, the second is that the conditional is used to talk about habits and truths. My question is when to use the first conditional?

  13. Nicolò G.

    I learned that conditional zero is used to talk about constant conditions, I learned that it is used with real facts and give indications in some situations. I didn't understand all the differences between conditional zero and first conditional, but with the exercises I understood a little better. I find conditional zero quite simple, and it stimulates me to know well when using conditional zero and when the first conditional is used. My questions is which between conditinal zero and prime is most used in the English language.
