4A RIM HOMEWORK 12th May 2020

1) Watch the video.

2) Imagine you have to create a similar promotional video to showcase the range of courses and activities on offer at IIS Michele Buniva.
  • What content would you include?
  • What school facilities would you show and why?
  • Who would you interview and why?
Write down your ideas in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Marianna D. M
    If I had to create a spot for the Buniva, I would surely begin to describe the different addresses that the school can offer: AFM, RIM, PIT, LICEO ARTISTICO (and its different but interesting branches)
    The services that I would include would be sports activities that can be undertaken in gymnastics (like skating, climbing) or extracurricular activities such as theater, journalism and the different projects that the school every year offers, because they can be very interesting for those who want to try new things.
    I would definitely interview the professors who have been teaching at the school for longer, and some students, maybe from different addresses, so as to give a good idea for every Buniva's branch.

  2. Elisa M.
    If I were to create promotional video of IIS Michele Buniva I’d start by saying that this school offers four courses:
    Administration Finance and Marketing; Computer system; Surveyor and Art school.
    The school provides different activity like courses in the languages that we study how Spanish, English and French where the school moreover organize educational trips.
    Teachers with students realize documentary on a topical theme in which students say their thoughts. Every year all students can also take part at the school theater made by the pupils and teachers of the artistic high school. I would like show this school facilities because are very interesting and advise them to the guys who will undertake this school.
    Finally I would interview the fifth graders and the teachers who have been teaching in the school from more time to talk about their experiences in different courses.

  3. Gabriele M.
    If I had to create a spot for the Buniva the video should contain: videos of lessons done at school, images of extracurricular activities done, such as sports, arts or leisure activities, testimonials of students who study at Buniva, interviews with teachers and school leaders, and especially explain accurately all the various types of addresses, AFM, PIT, CAT and art school.
    I would show the facilities and classes where the lessons are held, so the students interested would have an idea of the services offered by the school and the efficiency of the facilities.
    I would interview the teachers, the principal, all the school staff, some students for each course, to make sure that the people interested in this project see the work and usefulness of this school.

  4. Berra Marianna
    if I had to make a commercial for my school, buniva institute, I would certainly talk about the three locations of this school after which the various addresses like AFM, CAT or PIT; for AFM from the third year you can choose different addresses: RIM, SIA, AFM.
    I would add extracurricular activities, various courses and study stays, such as in France, England and Spain.
    I would interview the principal of the school and some of the professors who perhaps deal with these activities; I would also ask some pupils of different classes to see the school and the activities also from their point of view and to give new ideas.

  5. Giada B.

    first of all I would inform people about the courses that you can do at the Buniva, more specific I would interview some teachers who know a particular course in full but I would also interview the students, because who better than them knows the benefits of their course!
    then I would see some areas of our school such as gyms and labs, which offer almost all the necessities you want…
    also the classrooms are quite spacious and equipped with computers and video projector, so as to make the lessons more interesting and constructive... the best thing is the Christmas period, where the school staff decorates a tree at the entrance of the school... maybe it is not the best school in the world but I think that is beautiful.

  6. Sveva B.
    If I have to create a similar promotional video for my school IIS M.Buniva, I would include a detailed explanation of the courses offered (AFM, CAT, ART SCHOOL). I would show the addresses available after the two years, in particular the RIM, with organized trips (Brodstairs, Salamanca and Paris) to train the languages learned at school.
    To show the facilities of the school, I would make a short video tour of the structure. I would particularly show the language laboratories, the gym, the science laboratories and those dedicated to geometries. I think it’s important to show these things to make known the educational tools available to students and professors, useful to learn through experimentation. I would also include language courses which give the possibility to students to obtain certificates valid in many countries
    I would interview the headmaster (which is the symbol of the school), teachers, ATA staff and students. This is useful to tell the school’s environment from people who live it in first person every day and to tell their experiences.

  7. Barbara S.
    If I had to create a promotional video for IIS M.Buniva, I'd choose to include the general education plan of the school with all the courses that are part of it (adminstration, finance and marketing, IT sector, environmental construction and technologies, artistic high school) with a little video of all the projects created by the students in the background.
    In addiction I'd show the most important facilities that the school offers, such as the trips abroad, and the possibility of getting certificates of different levels of French, English and Spanish. I'd also expose the extracurricular activities such as the evening courses and the opportunities of doing cultural exchanges and work placements abroad.
    Then I'd show with some photos the three school locations and I'd focus on the art school building because it is the most attractive structure.
    Finally, if I had to interview someone I'd start from some students' opinions to understand if they're comfortable with the school's ambience. Then I'd interview the headmaster, some teachers and the school staff to explain the generalities of the school to those who's watching the video.

  8. Sara L.
    If I had to create a promotional video for the IIS M.Buniva, I would beging to describe the addresses that this school offers: AFM, CAT, PIT and Art school.
    I would show the classes, the gyms and the labs where the lessons are held and the different activities that this school offers such as language courses, theatre courses, sport activities and the trips that are organized each year relevant to the course of study.
    I would interview the principal, the teachers of the main subjects of each education address and some students in order to provide as much information as possible in the various areas that can help people who are interested.

  9. ELISA B.

    If I created a similar video to showcase the IIS Michele Buniva, I would include a typical day of the students in this school and then I would show how pupils are divided and how the teachers perform the lessons. After, I would present the most interesting activities, such as trips or study stays.
    The school facilities that I would exhibit are the hall because it’s a cozy room equipped with machines and television where everybody gathers in the intervals, and the gyms because they have just been renovated.
    Finally, I would interview a senior so you can ask him for Buniva review and then the head teacher to know what has changed over the years and if there has been progress. I’d like to conclude the video with photos of class.

  10. Gabriele d

    If I had to create a promotional video for our school I would surely begin by describing all the courses that the school offers : afm , sia , rim then talking about all the main subject , all the languages certifications that can be achieved, but I would focus the speech on all the travels we get to do for improve the curiosity.

    In the video I would show the 2 branch because the headquarter is a bit ugly.

    I would interview old student and current students to have the 2 point of view, but also teachers.

    At the end i would end up everything with a loads of smiling students.

  11. Eleonora N.
    If I had to create a promotional video for IIS M.Buniva, I would inform people that are many several courses for different high school students like AFM, CAT, PIT and Art school.
    This school has two structures, two gyms, different labs and for each structure there is an internal garden.
    This school also offers some trips for the address RIM, a courses avaible after two years of AFM, where you can go in France, England and Spain to improve your communication skills.
    I think that I’d interview the school principal because is the figure of the school, some teacher of the various school addresses and some older students.

  12. Stefania g.
    If I had to create a spot for the Buniva, I would start by describing the different addresses that the school offers, for example: AFM, RIM,SIA, PIT, Artistic high school and surveyor. Or images of the activities that are done during the school year, trips.
    I would like to show the facilities which the school offer like IT or language labs.
    The different extracurricular courses that they are continuing also during the quarantine such as the English book club. And others courses to improve languages.
    In conclusion, i would like to interview students from every address and teachers who have been working in the school for a long time. Also, i would like to interview ex students of the school To talk about their experiences in this school.

  13. Erika C.
    If I had to create a promotional video for IIS M.BUNIVA, I would describe every courses such as AFM (with all branches like RIM and the basic AFM), CAT, PIT, ART SCHOOL. I would also include all trips that our school could be offer.
    I would like to make a short video of the structure's school with the gym and many laboratories, for example the languages laboratories.
    I would like include an interview about some teachers that have had experencie with all the courses, staff, headmaster and some students of the last year to tell their studies.
    All this, could be useful for parents who want to enroll their child in a new school to better understand what it is.

  14. Fabrizio Combina
    If I had to create a promotional video for Buniva institute in the beginning the video should contain detailed information on the four courses available at the Buniva: AFM, PIT, CAT and Artistic high school.
    About the facilities I would make some presentation of the school trip and and the possibility of obtaining English, French and Spanish certifications and after that the video should show the best places of the school like languages lab, or the computer lab.
    Finally the video should contain some interviews of the students, of their parents and of the teachers. The students because is important to know their point of view about the school life, the teacher because they can describe the school better than anyone else and the parents because they could talk about the advantages of the electronic register.

  15. Martina T.
    If I had to create a promotional video of IIS Michele Buniva I’d start by listing the various addresses it has. I’d include a small interview of the Buniva’s students where they explain what they are passionate about; in this, some guys may find themselves.
    About facilities I’d definitely show the laboratories used by artistic addresses, because they are very innovative. Then, I’d also show the equipment used by the other addresses, like the language lab, the computer lab and the chemical lab.
    I’d also include an interview where the main professors who organize special project explain them; I’d show the videos made by the Buniva’s students about trips abroad, which might intrigue students.

  16. Susan Re

    If I had to create a video to promote the IIS M.Buniva, firstly I’d talk about the adresses that Buniva offers, such as AFM, CAT, PIT and Art School.
    Languages are very important, so I would talk about the certification that you can get, and I would focus on study trips that the school organizes.
    In the video I’d show some facilities that Buniva has, for example the phisics or chemistry laboratories and the computer laboratory, which is very important in every course this school offers. I would also talk about the two gyms Buniva has.
    I would interview a student who’s attending the last year, who’s path is about to end, so he/she could talk about their experiences throughout the five years and a student from the first year, so that he/she can tell us about first impressions.


    If I was asked to create a promotional
    video about I.I.S. M.BUNIVA, I would introduce it by showing all of the courses that this high school gives you the chance to choose from(AFM, CAT, RIM, PIT, ART, SIA..)
    I would give a little tour of the laboratories related to each course.( computer, chemistry, biology, language, topography and sculpture laboratories)
    I would talk about extracurricular activities such as sports races( volleyball, football, athletics and artistic gymnastics), theater, journalism and peer-education clubs, that are very useful for those who want to get more school credits or just be involved in something different and fun other than studying.
    I would also add, for those who choose RIM, that they will be given the possibility to attend language courses in order to get language level certificates. That the school will organize educational study stays in France, England and Spain. And that they will also participate in classes taken by native speakers, that will help them improve their accents and widen their vocabularies, in order to be able to pass the exam that will give them a diploma valid also in other countries.
    In the video I would also include some interviews with the headmaster, with senior students and teachers that have been teaching there for the longest so that whoever watch the video would get an idea of how the high school is from different points of view.

  18. Rita B.
    If i had  to create a promotional video for the Institute IIS Michele Buniva i'd like to speak about what this structure offers, like the wide range of services necessary for the cultural enrichment of students. This school offers four courses of study: building environment and territory, finance marketing and administration, computer science and artistic high school.

    Each of these courses is equipped with various laboratories, as linguistic, computer , chemistry, biology, topography, painting and sculpture laboratories.

    IIS Michele Buniva provides its students conversationalists for foreign languages and study stays abroad and also extracurricular activities as sports and a theatre course.
    At the and I would interview some  students to know what they think about this school, and I'd to interview the headmaster, the Ata staff and teachers to make those who watch the video have a general idea about this institute.

  19. Alex K.
    If I had to create a spot for buniva, first of all I would like to talk about the different addresses that are in this school. : afm, rim, sia, cat, pit and artistic liceo artistico. To make this school better and more interesting I would like to do sport activities in the gyms that are there and include these hours during school hours to motivate the students. Secondly, I would show the study activities that are available to learn English and French better. I would like to interview the school principal to explain how the school works and how it has changed over the years

  20. Genre Elisa
    If I had to create a promotional video to showcase the range of courses and activities on offer at
    IIS Michele Buniva,I would start by explaining the different courses that you can choose: the
    artistic high school, whose subjects are art history and drawing laboratory; the CAT, whose
    subjects are design, construction and equipment and topography; The AFM, whose subjects of
    address are law, economics and English; the PIT, whose subject of address is computer
    science. I would also explain that there are many evening classes for those who no longer
    attend school.
    In the video I would show the language laboratory, computer science, chemistry and physics,
    art because showing students and parents that the structure is rich in these areas, shows that
    education and commitment are high. I would talk about educational trips, the many projects,
    such as spending a few months or years abroad, taking certificates of foreign languages.
    Finally I would interview both teachers and students, because it is important to hear and listen to
    the opinion of both...also because I personally would be more interested in the opinion of a

  21. Alessia G.

    If I would create a similirar promotional video I should include all the activities of my school, I would present all the courses which are AFM, CAT, RIM, PIT and Artistic, because they are too different between them and they are too rich in their content.
    I would include the extra activities like theater, sport projects, courses of language with their exams because I think that are so much interesting and useful for the future.
    I would include also all of our laboratories like chemistry lab, information technology lab, painting lab, physics lab and languages labs, also so much classrooms has got a lim, which help students on learning better and fastly.
    I would interview the headteacher because he holds the reins of the school, a teacher for every course because they can say better the dynamics of the courses and at the end the students because they live the experience in first person.
