3 RIAF HOMEWORK 22nd May 2020

👉 Go to our padlet.
👉 Read two articles written by some classmates of yours.
👉 For each article, write two positive comments and one comment for your classmate to work on - focus on the content and ideas rather than accuracy.

In the end, in the comment box below, list
  • what you did well while writing your article,
  • what you found more challenging while writing your article,
  • what you need to work on in your next piece of writing.
Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Sabrina F.
    I think I wrote a good article because I answered all the questions and it is complete.
    While I was writing, I found stimulating that I like the topic of the article and this is why I could write more easily.
    My classmates have not found any particular errors to improve but in any case in the next article I will always try to do my best.

  2. Stefano Perotti

    I think I have respected all the characteristics , although in some points I could have been more detailed and better expand the text how they have me pointed out my classmates.

  3. Alice A

    I had a bit of difficulty writing this article because I was not excited about the topic, but I liked to think and relive in my head the days spent laughing with my friends.
    My teammates were good they didn't make many mistakes, next time we will try to improve ourselves all together.

  4. Giulia B

    I think I write a quite good article, and I wrote about all the three points. Maybe I used too much the word ‘laugh’, and for the next time I have to work about the punctuality of my assignments

    In my article I did better the part relative to emotions. I find more challenging the part where I have to write what makes me laugh because there are a lot of thing that makes me laugh. I need to expand my vocabulary and take care of details.

  6. Chiara R.
    Writing this article I found more challenging explaining what I wanted to tell to the readers, but I really liked talking about my sport and how it's important for everyone to laugh. On my next article I think I'll could be more clear and maybe I'll should write with more fluency.

  7. Michelle F
    I think I wrote a nice article without too many mistakes but I had a bit of difficulty because I wasn't excited about the topic. To improve maybe I should learn more words

  8. Francesca m.
    of my article I like very much the positive thinking that I realized; It has been difficult to find synonyms for some words, for this, I will have to improve.

  9. Sofia Guerra
    I’m quite satisfied about what I wrote in my article. I think I answered all the questions and I didn’t make very serious mistakes. I found it difficult to write what makes me laugh because the moment when you laugh you don’t notice why. Anyway, surely I can improve my vocabulary and the way I write.

  10. Valentina C.
    I really enjoyed writing this article, and sharing it with other people. I think I answered all the questions correctly.
    But I have to synthesizer what I mean. Because I have exceeded the number of words to use.

  11. Andrea c.
    I believe i have been able to give a good organization to the article.i find more challenging the personal part, which i described my emotions.
    In the next article i have to improve my vocabulary.

  12. Alessia T.
    I think I wrote a good article and I'm satisfied, maybe next time I should give more details or examples.
    Writing it was kind of fun and interesting. I read some articles written by my classmates too and I'm happy to know what makes them laugh, I think that now I know a little bit better their sense of humor.

  13. Virginia P
    I think my article has touched all the points necessary to make it good.
    I liked doing it because it made me reflect on the importance of laughing and how much we need it, especially in this period.
    My classmate didn't notice any mistakes other than a maybe wrong inversion between two words spend and better.

    I think I wrote a good article, respecting all three points. I liked writing this article because I found the topic interesting and so it came easy. My classmates haven't found particular errors in my comment but for a future I will try to improve it.

  15. Elena C.
    I think that I wrote a good article but I can improve on explain my ideas and I must stay in 100-110 words. Maybe if I know more vocabulary the article will be batter. I find reading other articles interesting.

  16. Alice T.
    I think I wrote a good article because I was able to answer all the questions. The part I found most difficult was answering the third question because you had to put personal thoughts. I believe that in the next article I could improve the structure and vocabulary

    From what my classmates have told me and also in my opinion I have developed and exhibited good content. I found it difficult to express my thoughts, not knowing all the English words very well. From what my classmates have told me I have to try not to repeat the words and use the articles better

  18. Simone g.
    I think I wrote a good article because I answered all the questions and it is complete. On my next article I think I'll could be more clear and maybe I'll should write with more fluency.

  19. Noemi B.
    I think I wrote the article well enough, but in the next article I will write more and improve the structure and vocabulary.

  20. Federica Z.
    I think I wrote a good article because I respected the required points, the only thing I didn't respect was the title. This work was very interesting and I loved it. I will try to improve myself from time to time.

  21. Edoardo R
    I really enjoyed talking about laugh in general , and i think some of the senteces that i have written are quite sensible,but i haven't talked enough about what i find funny .

  22. Francesco v
    I think I did a good job because I respected the length of 100 words and I did many examples. I found challenging talking about my personal opinions. In my next article I will try not to repeat the same words.

  23. Francesco P
    I think I wrote a good article because I've respected all the points
    I found more challenging the topic in general, and I think that I need to work on the division of the paragraph
