3 RIAF / 3A RIM HOMEWORK 29th May 2020

Take control of what you learn and choose the best activities that suit your needs and preferences.

Here are various online activities to practice for the B1 Preliminary Exam for students like you working toward an intermediate level on the CEFR scale.

In the comment box below, list 3 things that you have learnt in today's English lesson, 2 things you find easy/challenging about the B1 Preliminary tasks and 1 question you still have about the B1 Preliminary tasks. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Francesca M.
    In these exercises I learned to better understand the texts and listen to them and I improved the grammar.
    I found crosswords puzzles and word puzzles very easy.
    I still can't quite understand the meaning of some words.
    I did:
    -reading part 1,3,6 (notices and messages set 1, snakebites, music preferences)
    -part 3, 4 listening (shopping centre visit, new events)
    -b1 crossword puzzles clothes
    -b1 food word puzzle

  2. Debora V.
    Today I learn new words, I improve my grammar and I understand the native speaker in the listening.
    I found quite challengig the crosswords puzzles about places anf I found more easy the listenging part 4.
    I need to chose the examinator or the partner in the Speaking task?

    1. You can choose your partner for the speaking tasks.

  3. Sabrina F.

    In this English lesson I have learned even more to read carefully before choosing the right option because they could be small details that change the meaning of the sentence, another thing is that you must always read again while listening and do not assume that the first choice is the right one and lastly you must focus on the meaning of the question without getting lost in the discussion.

    I feel more confident on some parts of riding and writing but I think I can still improve.
    Moreover for the writing, I find more stimulating to write if I like the topic and I really like the idea of ​​learning new words in the form of a game.

  4. Chiara R.
    In these exercises I learned more vocabulary and I improve my writing.
    I find more easy the listening, because I practiced a lot, and I find more challenging the writing part because of all the irregular verbs and because of the spelling of the words. How long does the speaking part last?

    1. The overall lenght of the speaking part is 12–17 mins.

  5. Kevin B.

    In these exercises i learn new words, i improve my grammar and in general i learn to read carefully all the content.
    I found quite easy the writing part 2 beacause yesterday i did a lot of exercises but i found more challenging the listening activities.
    How much time i have for the reading activities at the exam ?

  6. Alessio M.
    Today I improve my vocabolary, my grammar and the compenprention of the general contest.
    I found all the exercise not too difficult.
    The categories of exercise harder for me are the listening.
    The writing part, in my opinion, it’s the easiest.
    I don’t have any question

    I have done exercises of writing, reading and listening. I really like the listening task, but for me is more challenging the writing activity, especially writing an email, or an article, because I do some mistakes. I don’t have questions.

  8. Stefano Perotti

    In these exercises I learned to write and read the content of the text with more attention, providing more attention to detail.
    The easiest exercises for me were the puzzles and the crossword because I already knew many words.
    I haven't any questions.

  9. Michelle F
    On the exercises I did I have no questions.
    I learned to read all the sentences better before scoring an answer and this helped me in reading, which I found easier.
    I think it is more difficult the listening activity, in particular I find it difficult to understand the numbers

  10. Angela G
    In this English lesson I: figured out which parts I need to strengthen to improve my English level, after that I learned the meaning of new useful vocabulary, took some time to reflect well on the tasks, without giving hasty answers, and lastly, I did many listening exercises to improve this part.

    I found the crosswords puzzle section simple and fun, and in general I enjoyed doing these exercises independently, choosing the most useful tasks for me.

  11. Thanks to these exercises I understood
    that I should read every sentence in details before choosing my answer. I learned new words, making my vocabulary richer and more complete. The crosswords puzzles were simple and fun to do but I practiced more on the listening task to improve it, and I think it was helpful.

    Alessia T.

  12. Michael P.

    In today lesson i improve listening, vocabulary and grammar. I think that listening is easiest, because I am more practice. The writing part in my opinion is more difficult because there are lot of word and irregular verbs. I don't have any questions.

  13. Veronica A
    In these exercises, I learned new words, perfected my grammar and improved my writing. I find that listening is the most difficult activity for me, because I find it difficult to understand what is said. I found the writing activity with puzzles and crossword puzzles easy enough. For the exercises I did, I haven't questions.

  14. Federica Z.
    In the exercises I did I learned new words, I understood that I have to read very carefully before writing the missing words in the texts because there may be more words that seem to be going well, but which then change the meaning of the sentence and I have improved a bit plus my grammar. The activity that I find easier is that of completamneto and where there are puzzles and crossword puzzles.

  15. Davide A.
    In these exercise I learned new words and to better understand the text and i improve my writing.
    I found easy the exercise ”notice and messages set 1 and 2”and the crosswords about places.
    I found hard the exercise the listening.
    for each part,how many exercises there are in the exam?

    1. In the reading paper, there are 6 tasks. In the writing paper there are 2 tasks. In the listening paper there are 4 tasks. In the speaking paper there are 4 tasks.

      The total number of tasks is 16.

  16. Alice A

    In these exercises, how
    In the English lessons, I improved the grammar, I learned new words, correctly place the words in a sentence and notice small details and write a text or a small article.
    In these activities, if I like ideas and the topic, I find them much more stimulating and interesting.

    I still have difficulties with the Listening activity but the various exercises help me more and more. I believe I can improve and learn new things.

  17. Erika S.
    In this English lesson I’ve learnt new words, I’ve improved my English but I’ve also understood better what kind of requests can be in the exam. I found easy the speaking task because I’ve done lots of practice; on the other hand I’ve found a little bit difficult the listening, because they speak very fast and sometimes I can’t understand what they want to say and consequently the right answer. I like these exercises because I could choose the best for me, I have no questions.

  18. SERRA SABRINA in today's lesson I learned new words, completing the reading, crossword puzzle.
    I learned to better understand the texts and I deepened my knowledge of grammar.
    I find it very stimulating to know new words to enrich my knowledge in English. But I still have problems listening, I still can't understand things on the fly, but I can only after hearing the audio many times.

  19. Simone G.
    I have done exercises of writing, reading and listening. I sometimes find challenging the listening I find more stimulating to write if I like the topic and really like the idea of ​​learning new words in the form of a game. I have no questions

  20. Francesco V
    Today I have done exercises of writing, reading and listening. In this lesson I learn new words and improve my grammar.
    I found very easy the crossword puzzles and some listening while in others listening I had more problem in fact I have listened to them many times.
    I don't have any questions.

  21. Andrea c.
    In this activity i have learnt new words
    and i improved my text understanding.
    For me the easiest thing has been the reading part. The hardest part has been listening because It was too fastfcast me.I haven't any question.

  22. Edoardo R
    In these exercises i learned more vocabulary , read carefully and i have improve in the writing exercises .
    I find that the writing part and the crossword are easy and fun .
    I haven't questions.

  23. Francesco c
    In these exercises I learned new words, more vocabulary ,and improve the listening exercises.
    I my opinion, I found listening exercises more difficult than writing exercises, because in general I have always been better at doing writing exercises than listening exercises.
    My favourite exercises is the crosswords puzzles because in my opinion is the easiest exercise.
    I don’t have any question

  24. Silvia c
    In today's English lesson I have learnt new words, I improve my listening and how to put words in the right gaps. I find challenging the part related to Listening, and easy the exercises on vocabulary, like 'Crosswords Puzzles'. How can I improve my Listening pt. 4?

    1. You can improve your listening skills by doing a lot of practice.

      Click the links below to find some online listening activities for the B1 Preliminary Listening Part 4:
      - https://clikka.net/7tJoi
      - https://clikka.net/Pq6Wo
      - https://clikka.net/lHg1M

      You can find other listening activities by googling "PET Listening Part XXX".

  25. Rosanna I.
    In this english lesson i have learned new Word and more vocabulary. I found speaking normal because I practiced a lot anche i find very Easy the crossword puzzle.
    I don't have any question

  26. Victoria C.
    In this lesson I learned new vocabulary thanks to the crossword puzzle which I also found very fun and easy. I have improved my listening and grammar but I still make some mistakes in writing.

    I like this type of activity and I have no questions.

  27. Tommaso L.

    In these exercise, I learnt new words, I improved my grammar and my writing. I found more difficult listening part because sometimes I didn't understand the words. I found the writing activity, puzzles and crossword puzzles easy. For the exercise I did I haven't questions.

  28. Fabio b.
    Today I have learned now words, so I have improved vocabolary and also grammar. the listening maybe is the part more difficult, because some words are important in the context and if I don’t know the mean I can’t understand all. For me write is easier.
    I don’t have questions.

  29. Elena C.
    In this english lesson I improve my listening( I find this test more easely than other test). I also improve my vocabulary in many test ( I find some part of reading on test B1 difficult and I think I have to improve this exercises)
    I haven't questions.

  30. Valentina C.
    I found these exercises very useful for my English, for my vocabulary and also for grammar. I understood that I still have to improve some things, for example the listening part, I have to learn new words to speak more fluently. Instead, I noticed improvements in the reading and writing part. I found the word exercises very interesting, for example the "word puzzle", very fun and at the same time very useful

  31. Noemi B
    I found these exercises useful, for my vocabulary and also for grammar. I understood that I still have to improve some things and I have to learn new words to speak more fluently.

  32. sofia g.
    These exercises helped me to understand the texts better and improved my grammar skills.
    I found the listening part 4 easier but I still have difficulties with listening. I have no questions

  33. Alice T.
    Thanks to this exercise I learned new words and new ways of saying things. I think I am improved in listening exercises and also a bit 'in writing exercises. I have helped a lot these activities.I found it easier to do cruciverba exercises than listening. I have no questions

  34. Virginia P

    In this english lesson I learned new words, expanded my vocabulary and I understood the importance of reading well the sentences before choosing my answer.
    I like very much the writing activity but in my case is more challenging the listening task because I always make many mistakes.

  35. Today I learned new words. I think the hardest part is listening if you don't understand a word or context, I can't understand the answer. I have no questions.

  36. Francesco p
    I have done exercise of listening, writing and reading
    I found easy the listening's exercise but I also found challenging the spelling part in the listening part 3
    I have no question
