4A RIM HOMEWORK 5th May 2020

Have you heard that a Wellingtonian family went viral with their hilarious "Lockdown Boogie"?

1) Watch the video.

2) Write down the transcript and translate it into Italian.

3) Watch the video in which the Buchanan family from Wellington tells what has happened behind the scenes of the viral video in an interview on Radio New Zealand (RNZ).

4) What about you? How are you and your family coping with the lockdown? Write a 100-word text in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Erika C.
    Me and my family before the phase 2, were everybody at home but now my father started again to work. Me and my mother,instead, we cut the grass, cook, clear the house and other things togheter. When I haven't got the lessons I study and I do the gym too. In these days I learned to do a lots of things, for example make gnocchi, tagliatelle and agnolotti by hand, some cakes, bread and pizza also with wholemeal dough. In addition, I have just turned eighteen, and even if at home, my parents have managed to make this day special and unforgettable, full of surprises. I feel lucky that, despite the period, I have a little space for myself outside the walls too.

    WORDS: 125

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  2. Barbara S
    This period is really difficult for all of us. I usually spend all days just with my sister, because my mother, being a nurse, is forced to go to work every day. The second phase of quarantine has just begun, but I don't think it's going to be very different from the first one. My daily routine is really boring and repetitive: I take video lessons, I watch some TV shows and I spend most of my time doing the hair care with my sister. The only positive side of the quarantine is that I can devote more time to my passions, such as music and make-up. I hope my mother is keeping safe and that this situation will be resolved as soon as possible.

    WORDS: 126

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts.

  3. Stefania G.
    I’m not spending a lot of time with my parents right now. They go to work every day, except for the weekend. During the days I spend a lot of time doing video lessons, homework and work out. I really like to work out or eat healthier than before, for exemple i eat a lot of fruits. In this period the only nice thing is that I have a garden, so I can stay out with my dog. In the weekend i spend a lot of time with my mum and we cook cakes or something sweet. Sunday is the only day that i stay with all the family. In conclusion, I always try to do something because the days are really boring.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

  4. Sveva B.
    My days in this period are not particularly eventful: in the morning I have video lessons and in the afternoon I watch some TV series or I read a book. Three times a week I work out following videos on Youtube. I tried to make some cakes with my sister, and, with the help of my grandmother, I learned to make tagliatelle and ravioli. I also took care of the garden. My father is a firefighter and so he continued to work and my mom works in smart working. In their free time, however, they tidied up the attic. There are many things to do in my house, so fortunately we are not bored, but we miss the normality and especially see the rest of the family.
    Words: 127

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts.

  5. Rita B.
    During these days of lockdown,  I'm trying to deal with the situation by keeping my old routine, even if I'm not going to school, I get up at 8.00 am to do some sport before the video lessons. Then I have lunch, after that, I do my homework and I watch some films or I read a book.

    My mom cooks a lot  because she loves doing that and during these days my dad is repainting the house.

    At the moment, it seems like time has frozen, as in a photo. The colors of our reality seem almost fading. Like the phrases written in an ancient book.

    But despite this difficult period, I think that we've all learned to appreciate the small things which make up our daily life. 

    Words: 130

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts.

  6. Gabriele M.
    The days in quarantine are all very similar to each other, in the morning I dedicate myself to school, in the afternoon and in the evening I try to limit the boredom caused by staying at home.
    The daily goal is to break the routine, trying every day to do something different than the previous day; for example, together with my brother we created a table tennis table using the table in the living room and every day I train myself for a few hours, so I can remedy of all the cakes cooked by my mother.
    Instead with my family we started to play the board games again by putting down the phone for a few hours.
    Words: 118

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

  7. Marianna D.M
    After almost two months of quarantine, I learned to take care of myself: through masks to the hair, to the skin, through the workouts.
    I also improved my cooking skills, found time to read some good books and devote myself to study. Even if the days pass slowly...
    having two sisters and a brother, it is sometimes difficult to get along. But surely all this has helped to unite us even more. With my dog, I have always had the opportunity to go for walks, to go out in the open air... Billy is such a great distraction for me.
    I hope this whole situation passes as soon as possible, I miss my old life and I miss my teenager life.

    Words: 118

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

  8. Elisa M.

    In this lockdown period, our lives have changed. In previous months of quarantine I spent a lot of time with my parents but by Monday they started working so I spend most of my time alone.
    In the morning I follow the video lessons while in the afternoon I do my homework, I work out and I clean the house.
    On the weekends I dedicate myself to cooking with my mom the delicious cakes or if the weather permits I’ll go to the garden to get some sun. The good thing from this week is that I can see my brother again and my relatives too.
    I really miss my old life this situation starts to be heavy for all of us.

    122 words

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

  9. Sara L.
    It's been a few months now that we have all been forced to stay locked in our homes trying to pass the time as quickly as possible.
    During this time I had the chance to spend a lot of time with my family and I must say that was beautiful but also a bit heavy.
    My days are held every day in the same way: in the morning I follow the video lessons online and in the afternoon, in addition to doing homeworks, I try to realx doing the things I like most, like watching movies, cooking or sunbathing while I listen to music.
    I think this period has helped us to re-evaluate the things that we used to take for granted and now we miss.
    Words: 126

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

  10. Fabrizio Combina
    In my family we know we are very lucky. We are three people and we have a very big house with a big garden. Everyone has their own spaces and we have a lot of activities to do. In addiction my father continued to work because it was necessary that his factory continued to work. My mother everyday have some jobs for me, I washed the cars, I painted the garage and I cut the grass every week. In my free time I read, I play videogames and I do a lot of physical activity. So fortunately we are not bored but we miss our life and our friends, I hope this situation ends as soon as possible.

  11. Susan R.

    We have been in lockdown for almost two months now, and during this time me and my family had lots of ups and downs, especially because the work had to be re-organized.
    The first three weeks of quarantine we had to close the bakery, so we spent a huge amount of time together at home, and it wasn’t so easy, but we learnt throughout the days how to deal with it.
    Despite the downsides of the situation I think there’s a silver lining, because in this quarantine I started to appreciate more the routine that I had before.
    In fact I realized how beautiful was meeting lots of people, and visit new places, so when this will be over for sure I will take things less for granted.

    128 words

    1. 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Completely clear, correct and orderly.

  12. ELISA B.
    Since the isolation began, my family and I found ourselves living together 24 hours a day.
    Before we only saw each other in the evening, because during the day my sister and my parents were in Turin for the university and for work. Now everything is concentrated at home, between smart-working and school video lessons. In empty moments I cooked (mainly desserts), I’ve watched a lot of movies and TV shows and I took care of myself. Thanks to social media, I can hear my friends and my relatives too.
    These aren’t easy months, but I try to think positive and I am confident that in time everything will return to normal.
    112 words

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

  13. GIADA B.
    I believe that this quarantine has taught me many things: I have tried to spend my time in the things I like like like reading a book that I had not found the time to read or to practice my nails.
    During this time I spent much more time with my mom even though she works in a supermarket, but because of the quarantine she worked less, so during these months we found time to make homemade noodles, Since we haven’t done them in years and we have made many projects to renovate our house, especially my room. My animals have never been so happy seeing me and my mom always at home, they always want to be with us.
    Despite this quarantine period, I’m glad I focused on the things I like.

    133 words

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  14. Gabriele D
    this is being quite a tought moment, But all in all i'm not having a bad time with my family i'm lucky enough to live in a big house and just next to me i have my grandparents and my uncles and my cousins , also i have a big yard whit a big gazebo and a cute little outside living room , we have a lot of space and that really helps a lot because we don't get on each other nervs ,everybody has his space , i stay in the gazebo , my mum has her office and my dad goes to work.
    My mum is a teacher so in the morning we both do videolessons and homeworks , but in the afeternoon we do aplenty of things together. we love yoga and almost everyday we practice that , we cook and also do boring stuff like cleaning and gardening.
    when we finish we love to enjoy a little netflix and chill , currently we are watching Glee and we are loving it !
    178 words

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

  15. Eleonora N.
    For me and my family, during the lockdown, the things didn't change a lot because my parents are still working in our supermarket with all the staff.
    During these days the work is harder than the days before the lockdown, in fact every day, except on Sunday, my parents are wake up very early, like 5.30 p.m., and they go to the supermarket, and when they close it it's almost 20 a.m. and they are finally come back home.
    The lessons during the morning and the homework during the afternoon are filling my days, but during free time I watch films and TV series and chat with my friends.
    I also cook much more than before to make my parents find lunch.
    For the birthday of my mum me and my brother spent the afternoon cooking a cake for her and it was delicious!
    144 words

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  16. Martina T.
    During this bad period, most days my family has worked, so I haven’t suffered a lot this situation, luckily.
    In the morning I always have video lessons and in the afternoon I'm always looking for something to do at home; in this way the afternoon passes more quickly. For example, I often make something to eat for us, I take care of myself, I clean the house and tidy up anything.
    My family and me always have dinner all together and we improved our relationship, talking more.
    In the evening I usually stay with my brother, we call our friends or we go in the garden for stay outside.
    They aren’t exciting days, but I try to live my life in the least boring way, waiting for all this to end.
    Words: 133

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

  17. Nouhaila Z.

    For many of us, COVID-19 has disrupted our routines and made everyday activities challenging.
    At first, I used to sleep late and watch videos all day long, but when I started organizing my daily routine, I was so surprised by how many things I was able to get done in one day. My life started to make sense again, and I realized that the only way to deal with this terrible situation, is by keeping ourselves busy. And that’s what me and my family have done. We splitted the housework so that everyone does something: My mom cooks and goes shopping, my dad takes care of the garden and the laundry, my brother washes the dishes and I clean the house. And since, in these last two months we couldn’t do outside activities, we started working out at home.
    I know how much difficult this situation could be for most of us, but we don’t have to let this tear us down, on the contrary we have to take it as a lesson to learn something from.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

  18. ALEX K.
    Quarantined days are very similar. I have a routine: In the morning I dedicate myself to school with video lessons and homeworks, but sometimes in the weekend my family and I do the barbecue. In the afternoon I often spend my days watching some television, tv series . After that I go out into the garden to play with my sister, together we play volleyball, we ride a bicycle. In the evening, before dinner I train and now with phase 2 I go for a run. After this I have dinner with my family and if I have some homeworka to do I do them after I watch netflix until I fall asleep
    113 WORDS

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  19. Alessia G.Today it’s my birthday, and I have to pass it in quarantine, I’ve never been thinking about passing my eighteenth in this way, but I’m here.
    All this situation make me feel a little bit sad, but I found a way to tolerate it. I videochat my friends everyday and I try to reinforce the bond with my parents. I study a lot, more than I used to do when I went to school. I’m watching tv series in english like “Peaky Blinders” to improve my accent and my vocabulary and “La casa de paper” to improve my spanish.
    I hope that this situation will pass earlier as much as possible.
    111 words

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.


    This period is very hard for all of us and I am very sad for several reasons.
    Firstly I’m sad because I can’t see my boyfriend, but luckily since May 4th the phase 2, and he and I met after almost 2 months and for this I am very happy.
    I’m also very sad for my 7-year-old brother because he wants to go out and play with his friends but he cannot and does not understand the reason.
    My mother works in a shop in Pinerolo while my father started working from May 4th in the factory.
    My brother and I are always connected for video lessons and always doing homework.

    words: 114

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  21. Genre Elisa

    In this period COVID-19 changed my life and my family’s life.

    During the lockdown I tried to distract myself as much as possible by cooking cakes, organizing the day so that I could always do something: homework, cooking, doing housework with my mum, going to the garden with my dad, watching movies, making video calls and playing social games with my sister. We tried to organize meals for the week so that we knew the shopping to do and get out as little as possible.

    Now that they’ve loosened a bit the restrictions I’m happier, because I can go to visit my grandmother and her cat, let her taste the cakes I cook. I can also go running in the meadows, take a bike ride, take a walk to collect flowers.

    I know it’s a difficult situation, but we must try to see the good in the bad, to try to live our lives to the best!

    157 words

  22. Marianna B

    quarantine, it seems totally surreal, for all of us who have practically always underestimated everything.
    since we have a lot of time, I'm taking antage of it to do things I've never done like this.
    I dedicated myself to cooking, especially in desserts I experimented with new recipes and I must say that they didn't turn out so badly; I'm doing a lot of physical activity either on the balcony or in the living room.
    in the morning it is reserved for lessons and homework, while in the evening I almost always watch netflix and I managed to sell many films and finish TV series.
    I hope all of this will end soon so we can all resume our routine and return to everyday life.
