3 RIAF HOMEWORK 6th April 2020

Depending on your needs and your preferences, take control of what you learn and

1) choose 3 areas of vocabulary and download the relevant worksheets
  • the house (download the worksheet here)
  • rooms and furniture (download the worksheet here)
  • the weather (download the worksheet here)
  • the natural world (download the worksheet here)
  • transport (download the worksheet here)
  • travel (download the worksheet here)
  • means and eating out (download the worksheet here)
  • shopping and food (download the worksheet here)
  • clothes (download the worksheet here)
  • the family (download the worksheet here)
  • health and sport (download the worksheet here)
  • education (download the worksheet here)
  • work and entertainment (download the worksheet here)
  • technology and time (download the worksheet here)
2) Read the Word Finder box: spend time trying to understand it as well as you can. If you do not understand, read it again more slowly.

3) Do the exercises. Don't do them too quickly: think carefully about the answers. If you don't feel sure, look at the Word Finder box again. Write your answers in pencil, or, even better, on a separate piece of paper - this means that you can do the exercises again later.

4) Check your answers to the exercises here.

5) If you get every answer correct, congratulations πŸ₯³! If you make some mistakes, do not worry! Studying your mistakes is an important part of learning, so look carefully at each mistake: can you now see why the correct answer is what it is? πŸ§

6) In the comment box below, list the three areas of vocabulary that you have chosen and describe what you learnt and how you felt about the activity. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Chiara R.
    I choose the clothes area, the travel area and the technology and time area.
    I think it helps me so much for diffΓ©rents things. Now I'm more sure when I use words and expressions about travel and clothes and I learn more about technology.
    I think that this activity is useful for everyone.
    It helps me so I would like to do some activity like this in the future.

  2. Virginia P
    I chose the natural world area, the clothes area and the travel area.
    This activity helped me so much because it made me learn new words that will be useful for me in the future.
    The only thing that I noticed is that I have sometimes made the verbs wrong but in general I haven't made to much mistakes.
    In conclusion, I think that this activity was very useful.

  3. Sabrina F.

    The three categories that I chose are “the family”, “education” and “technology and time”.
    In my opinion is interesting to find out more and more about daily issues and I think I have done the exercices well but there are some mistakes sometimes.

    The three collocations less easy for me to learn maybe are:

    I think this activity is very simple and effective because the study is done with short exercises, in this way you get bored less and you learn more!

  4. I chose the natural world area, the clothes and the travel one. I found this activity useful and it would be nice to try other areas like animals and plants. I did some mistakes but overall it went well.

    Alessia T.

  5. Michelle F.
    I chose Shopping and food, The house and Clothes.
    I made a few mistakes, especially with the verbs, but in general it went well.
    I think this activity is nice and useful for learning new words

    I chose, "the family", "shopping and food" and "travel". By doing the exercises, I got to know new words, enriching the words in English. I had difficulty associating expressions while verbs I found them very simple and easy to understand. I found difficulties especially in the different foods. But all in all I learned new words, very useful for speaking the English language discreetly.

  7. Federica Z.
    The three areas I chose were "family", "travel" and "education". By doing this I was sometimes unsure of some words and other times I was more confident than I was writing. I made mistakes but now I understand where I was wrong. This activity helped me to learn new words, new meanings and to deepen other words.

  8. Edoardo R
    I choose the house area , the natural world area and the work and entertainment area .
    I learned new word and enriched my english lexicon . In my opinion this activity is helpful and i'd like to do it again in the future

  9. Veronica A.
    I chose "the family", "the clothes" and "the travel". This activity helped me a lot because it made me learn new words that will be very useful to me now in the future. I made some mistakes, in particular with the verbs, but overall it went well. In conclusion, my opinion it was very useful activity.

  10. Elena C.
    The range of world that I choose are
    The weather
    Means and eating out
    Health and sport
    I think this activity is useful in particulary because you can choose the range of world where you have problem and improve your vocabulary. I prefer this activity more than other like write a story .

  11. Stefano Perotti

    I choose the clothes area,the health and sport area and the work and entertainment area.
    Thanks to these exercises I discovered many new words that I didn't know before, enriching my vocabulary a lot.
    I found the part of the verbs of each category more difficult by making some mistakes.
    I think these exercises are very useful to enrich our lexicon and I think I try to do other groups too.

  12. Francesco v
    The three categories that I choose are travel, health and sport and the natural world.
    This activity help me so much because I have known new words and new verb.
    The part where I have had more difficulties it has been with verbs.
    In my opinion this activity is very useful because allows you to improve your vocabulary in easy and effective way.

  13. Andrea C.
    technology and time
    -health and sport
    I've chosen these 3 categories because I didn't know a lot of words from these areas and because they are useful in everyday life but also in a more specificalspeech.
    I've also chosen these 3 areas because they reflect my personal Interests. Doing this activity i learnt that there are more specifical exspression than the ones that I already knew.

  14. ALICE A.

    I chose the house, the shopping and food and the family.

    Doing the exercises I made some verbs or nouns wrong, but this activity was very useful for me to learn new terms and improve my mistakes.

  15. Brun Noemi
    Ho scelto la casa, shopping e famiglia. Ho spagliato alcuni verbi e nomi, ma ho anche imparato nuovi termini.

    1. Please use English on this blog πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

  16. SILVIA C.
    I choose the house, technology and time and travel. I found it very useful for expanded my vocabulary. I spend hours doing all exercises but I'm satisfied.

  17. Valentina C.
    I have chosen the travel area, the shopping and food area and the family area. I enjoyed this activity, I was able to learn new words. I had some difficulties in some parts, for example that of verbs, but in general I managed to carry out the activity quite well, sometimes helping myself with the dictionary.

    I chose the natural world, travel and the family. I think these exercises are very useful, some exercises were more difficult than others, but I found it very useful

  19. Alice T.
    I chose "the natural world", "health and sport" and "work and entertainment". I learned a lot of new unknown words and I think that this exercises can help with learning the language.
    I made 3/4 mistakes for each final test. I assume that's a good result

  20. Antonio M.
    i chose the “health and sport”, “travel” and “family” areas.
    i found this activity very helpful to learn new uses of the words and th exercises are designed to improve what i’ve learned.

  21. Simone G.
    I choose the food area, the travel area and the natural world area.
    I made a fee mistakes but i think this activity is useful for learning new words.

  22. I chose the healt and sport area, the shopping and food area and the family area, in my opinion this activity served me above all for the knowledge of new words. there were several difficult exercises, but all in all I managed to solve them whit the help of dictionary.

  23. GIULIA B
    I have choosen "transport","work" and "eating out", because in my opininon it could be so helpful, and it was especially for me that I'm not so good in collocations and things like this

    I've choosen work, weather, health and sport becaue i wasn't sure in this lessical context. After the exercises I think I'm more good in this context now.

  25. Francesco P
    I choose "natural world", "travel" and "education"
    I think that the exercises are useful for expand the lexical field, for example for world like "play truant" and "set off on a journey"

  26. Francesca m.
    I chose: travel, family and sport.
    I found it interesting because I enriched my vocabulary and if in the future we would like to propose it again I would do it willingly.

    1. I realized that I hadn't seen these exercises
