5A SIA Test Preparation

Study Guide

Answer the following questions and revise about the UK GEOGRAPHY and POPULATION

  • What does the expression “British Isles” refer to?
  • What countries does the UK include?
  • How big is the UK?
  • Where is the capital city of the UK situated?
  • What country in the UK is the least densely populated?
  • What country in the UK is the most densely populated?
  • Why are Bristol and Leeds considered important industrial and financial hubs in the UK?
  • Where is Bristol located?
  • What industries are based in Bristol?
  • Why is Bristol considered an industrial centre in the UK?
  • Why is Bristol considered a popular tourist destination?
  • Where is Leeds located?
  • What is Leeds famous for?
  • Why is Leeds considered a popular tourist destination?

  • How many people live in the UK?
  • What is the official religion in the UK?
  • Where do the majority of UK immigrants come from?
  • In what way has the family unit changed in the UK in the last few years?

Answer the following questions and revise about the UK ECONOMY

  • What sector employs 86% of the workforce in the UK?
  • What sector employs 8% of the workforce in the UK?
  • What is the fastest growing industry in terms of employment in the UK?

  • How does the UK oil industry rank compared to the rest of Europe?
  • How does the UK gas industry rank compared to the rest of Europe?
  • Where are the main UK oil and gas industries located?
  • In what way are investments in renewable energy sources on the increase in the UK?
  • What are the principal products of the agricultural industry in the UK?
  • What is the main cereal cultivated in the UK?
  • Where are the most densely wooded areas in the UK?
  • How many people are employed in the forestry?
  • How does the UK fishing industry rank compared to the rest of Europe?
  • Where are the main fishing areas in the UK?

  • How many people work in the manufacturing sector?
  • What share of the UK’s GDP is represented by manufacturing?
  • What are the 3 biggest manufacturing industries in the UK?
  • What new kinds of manufacturing companies are entering the market?
  • What effects has globalization had on the UK manufacturing industry?

  • What share of the UK’s GDP is represented by the tertiary sector?
  • What share of the UK’s workforce is employed in the tertiary sector?
  • What are the 5 main industries in the tertiary sector?

Answer the following questions and revise about the UK POLITICAL SYSTEM

  • What type of political system runs the UK?
  • Who is the head of State?
  • What are the monarch’s governing powers restricted by?
  • What is the British constitution formed by?

  • What is the role of the Parliament?
  • What parts is the Parliament composed of?
  • Where does the business of the Parliament take place?
  • What is the function of the House of Commons?
  • How is it possible for a candidate to be elected as an MP in the House of Commons?
  • What is the function of the House of Lords?
  • What is the function of the monarch in the legislative branch of the political system of the UK?
  • When did Devolution in the UK take place?
  • What is the Cabinet and who is the Cabinet formed by?
  • Where does the Cabinet meet?
  • What is the role of the Cabinet?
  • What political party can form the government?
  • Who is the head of the executive branch of the political system of the UK?
  • Who is the Prime Minister?
  • How is it possible to become Prime Minister?
  • What is the role of the Prime Minister?
  • Who chooses the ministers and who appoints them?

  • What is the current voting system in the UK?
  • When are usually general elections held in the UK and in what case is not this rule respected?

Answer the following questions and revise about INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS

  • What is the Commonwealth of Nations?
  • How many people are there in the Commonwealth of Nations?
  • Who is the head of the Commonwealth of Nations?
  • What do all the members of the Commonwealth of Nations have in common?
  • What does the Commonwealth of Nations promote?

  • What treaty established the European Union?
  • When was the European Union established?
  • What institutions is the legislative branch of the European Union formed by?
  • What are the key functions of the European Parliament?
  • Who are the members of the European Parliament elected by?
  • What are the key functions of the Council of the European Union?
  • What institution is the executive branch of the European Union formed by?
  • What are the key functions of the European Commission?
  • Who are the European Commissioners appointed by?
  • What institution is the judicial branch of the European Union formed by?
  • What are they key functions of the Court of Justice of the European Union?
  • What are the three main issues which the European Union is facing nowadays?
  • What is Brexit?
  • Why did the UK call for a referendum on UK’s EU membership?
  • When was the referendum held?
  • Who headed the “Leave” campaign and who headed the “Remain” campaign?
  • What were the key issues of the campaigners in the weeks leading up to the referendum?
  • What were the results of the vote?
  • When did the Brexit process start?
  • What are the most important issues that UK and EU must settle?
  • What are the 3 possible scenarios?

  • What is the UN?
  • When did the United Nations officially come into existence?
  • How many member countries does it count?
  • When did Britain become a member country?
  • When did Italy become a member country?
  • What are the 3 main goals of the UN?
  • What are its main institutions?
  • Where are the UN headquarters located?
  • Which institution carries out the day to day running of the UN?
  • Who is the current Secretary General of the United Nation?
  • Who appoints the Secretary General of the United Nations?
  • What is the main function of the General Assembly?
  • What is the main function of the Security Council?
  • Which institution passes judgment upon disputes between states?
  • What are the 6 official languages used at the UN?
  • Who is a Goodwill Ambassador?
  • What is the role of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees?
  • Which agency of the UN looks after the interests of the children in the world?
  • What is the main goal of the World Food Programme?
  • What is the main goal of the United Nations Environment Programme?
  • What is the role of the UNESCO?

  • When and where did the UN Bretton Woods Conference take place?
  • What did the delegates discuss about?
  • Which two international organisations were established during the UN Bretton Woods Conference?
  • What is the International Monetary Found?
  • How many member states make up the IMF?
  • Who is the current Managing Director of the IMF?
  • Where are its headquarters located?
  • What does the IMF promote?
  • What are the main functions of the IMF?
  • What is the World Bank?
  • Who were the founders of the World Bank?
  • What is the aim of the World Bank?
  • What are its main functions?
  • What is the World Trade Organisation?
  • How many member states make up the WTO?
  • Who is the current Director-General of the WTO?
  • Where are its headquarters located?
  • What is the main aim of the WTO?
  • What are its main areas of activity?
  • What principle is behind the WTO and its operations?
  • What are its main functions?

  • What is a trading bloc?
  • What is the main purpose of a trading bloc?
  • What is the European Free Trade Association?
  • What are its member states?
  • What is its mission?
  • What is the North American Free Trade Agreement?
  • What are its member states?
  • What is its mission?
  • What is the Organization of the  Petroleum Exporting Countries?
  • What are its member states?
  • What is its mission?
  • What is the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation?
  • What are its member states?
  • What is its mission?
  • What is the Mercado Comun del Sur?
  • What are its member states?
  • What is its mission?
  • What is the Association of South-East Asian Nations?
  • What are its member states?
  • What is its mission?

Answer the following questions and revise about GLOBALISATION

  • What is globalisation?
  • What is the KOF Index of Globalisation?
  • According to the KOF Index of Globalization, what are the three dimensions of globalisation?
  • What does each dimension consist of?
  • Is globalisation a recent phenomenon? Why? Why not?
  • What are some examples of early globalisation?
  • What were the two historical waves of modern globalisation?
  • What events have fostered globalisation in the 1990s?
  • In what way is the flow of information affected by globalisation?
  • In what way is culture affected by globalisation?
  • In what way is language affected by globalisation?
  • In what way are health issues affected by globalisation?
  • According to Bill Gates, what is the most likely cause of a global catastrophe?
  • What do you know about the Ebola outbreak and epidemic in 2014?
  • Can you outline Bill Gates's analysis of the Ebola outbreak and epidemic in 2014? What does he state?
  • What are the two main points of view on globalisation?
  • What are 3 convincing advantages of globalisation?
  • What are 3 convincing disadvantages of globalisation?
  • What opportunities does globalisation create for developing countries?
  • What threats does globalisation create for developing countries?
  • What opportunities does globalisation create for developed countries?
  • What threats does globalisation create for developed countries?
  • How could globalisation diminish the threat of war between countries?
  • What are the possible consequences of globalisation on the environment?
  • What is global sustainability?
  • What does the model known as “sustainable development” consist of?
  • What is its main aim?
  • What is its main advantage?
  • What does the model known as “de-growth” consist of?
  • What is its main aim?
  • What is its main advantage?