3A RIM HOMEWORK 14th May 2020

Depending on your needs and your preferences, take control of what you learn and

1) choose 2 new areas of vocabulary and download the relevant worksheets
  • the house (download the worksheet here)
  • rooms and furniture (download the worksheet here)
  • the weather (download the worksheet here)
  • the natural world (download the worksheet here)
  • transport (download the worksheet here)
  • travel (download the worksheet here)
  • means and eating out (download the worksheet here)
  • shopping and food (download the worksheet here)
  • clothes (download the worksheet here)
  • the family (download the worksheet here)
  • health and sport (download the worksheet here)
  • education (download the worksheet here)
  • work and entertainment (download the worksheet here)
  • technology and time (download the worksheet here)
2) Read the Word Finder box: spend time trying to understand it as well as you can. If you do not understand, read it again more slowly.

3) Do the exercises. Don't do them too quickly: think carefully about the answers. If you don't feel sure, look at the Word Finder box again. Write your answers in pencil, or, even better, on a separate piece of paper - this means that you can do the exercises again later.

4) Check your answers to the exercises here.

5) If you get every answer correct, congratulations! If you make some mistakes, do not worry! Studying your mistakes is an important part of learning, so look carefully at each mistake: can you now see why the correct answer is what it is?

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