5A SIA HOMEWORK 14th May 2020

1) Study pp 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, the slides (see here to download them) and your notes.
Use the following list of questions as guideline to understand and memorize concepts:
  • What is globalisation?
  • What is the KOF Index of Globalisation?
  • According to the KOF Index of Globalization, what are the three dimensions of globalisation?
  • What does each dimension consist of?
  • Is globalisation a recent phenomenon? Why? Why not?
  • What are some examples of early globalisation?
  • What were the two historical waves of modern globalisation?
  • What events have fostered globalisation in the 1990s?
  • In what way is the flow of information affected by globalisation?
  • In what way is culture affected by globalisation?
  • In what way is language affected by globalisation?
  • In what way are health issues affected by globalisation?
  • According to Bill Gates, what is the most likely cause of a global catastrophe?
  • What do you know about the Ebola outbreak and epidemic in 2014?
  • Can you outline Bill Gates's analysis of the Ebola outbreak and epidemic in 2014? What does he state?
  • What are the two main points of view on globalisation?
  • What are 3 convincing advantages of globalisation?
  • What are 3 convincing disadvantages of globalisation?
  • What opportunities does globalisation create for developing countries?
  • What threats does globalisation create for developing countries?
  • What opportunities does globalisation create for developed countries?
  • What threats does globalisation create for developed countries?
  • How could globalisation diminish the threat of war between countries?
  • What are the possible consequences of globalisation on the environment?

2) Write a short essay on globalisation in which you
  • give a definition of the term,
  • present globalisation as a multifaceted phenomenon and describe its main aspects,
  • present globalisation as a controversial topic and illustrate 3 arguments for both the benefits and the risks,
  • conclude with your personal opinion.
Write your essay in 220-260 words in an appropriate style. Use only your coursebook and your notes as reference - do not use any online sources of information.

3) Practise reading your essay aloud paying attention to pronunciation and intonation. Record yourself reading your essay and send an audio file to sara.ribotta@bunivaweb.it by Tuesday 19th May 2020 at 10.00 am.

4) Post your essay in the comment box below by Tuesday 19th May 2020 at 10.00 am. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Federica Lippolis

    Globalisation is the increased movement of people, goods, capital and ideas due to greater economic integration, which is driven by increased trade and investment. The globalisation isn't a recent phenomenon, in fact, economic and social integration has been going on since people first started exploring the world, trading goods with one another and migrating to other countries. Globalisation affects three important aspects: the economy, through cross-border trade, investment and income flows, restrictions on trade and capital movement; the politics through foreign embassies, international organizations, UN peace missions, bilateral and multilateral agreements; the society through personal contacts, population, access to the Internet, TV and foreign press products. This phenomenon has changed many things over the years, mainly the flow of information: reachable by more people, faster and freer; therefore health: research can be shared all over the world and people have better access to treatment; then the language: a common and unique language is necessary to communicate and English is currently the dominant language; then cultural globalization which can be interpreted as the change of the world from different multicultural places to a single homogeneous culture; last, but not least, goods and services: all people have access to IT and its advantages, thanks to this you have the opportunity to choose from multiple products of any type worldwide. Some of us can simply accept globalisation and all that that entails, others have much stronger opinions both for and against it. Three significant advantages of this phenomenon are: the decrease in the possibility of a war between developed countries, the propagation of democratic ideals and awareness of human rights and the fact that developed countries invest in developing ones, reducing poverty and contributing to improve living conditions, health care and life expectancy. Three disadvantages of this phenomenon concern: the ecosystem that is threatened by the abuse of natural resources and the disregard of the environmental impact of business activities, the domination and control by powerful multinationals and corporations corrupts national government and the employees in developed countries that lose their jobs when work is outsourced to developing countries. In my opinion, globalization is a necessary phenomenon if you want to make each country grow from as many points of view as possible, to allow everyone to be on the same level and to receive the best goods, services and the best quality of life regardless of country where you live. At the same time, it is essential that the great world powers do not abuse their power to subdue the countries that are growing but rather to help them in their growth.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Complete and detailed. Interesting conclusion. Most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts.

  2. Alessandro Albiero
    The globalisation hasn't a definition, but the international monetary fund describes it as "the process through which an increasingly free flow of ideas, people, goods, services and capital leads to the integration of econonomies and societies".
    The phenomenon of globalisation starts during the starts of the World War I, it isn't a recent phenomenon and during his first period the world really did starts to get smaller;
    during the second wave of globalisation, began after Wolrd War II, the ceconomy was facilitated with international talks, agreements and reduce the form of protectionism.
    The main aspects of globalisations are Global technology and information where, thanks to the internet, the movement of fast and free information is possible and the barrier were removed thanks to internet and World Wide Web; another aspect is Global culture and can be interpreted as changing the world from diverse multicultural places to a single homogeneous culture. The last aspect is the language cause people need to communicate and a single language is necessary.
    The globalisation (like all) has it pro and it contro:
    Someome example of Pro can be: decrease the possibility of war, the transport of people and goods is quicker and easier and global mass media ;
    And someone example of contro can be: The ecosystem is threatened by the abuse of the natural resources and the disregard of the enviromental impact of business activity, there is an higher risk of the spread communicable disease, it widens the poverty gap, particulary in developing countries.
    I think the globalisation can increase the economy world and can unites people all over the world thanks to culture and language.

  3. Federico Monardo

    Globalization occurs when in the world when there are many investments and exchanges on a global scale. In fact, economic and social integration has been going on since people first started exploring the world, trading goods with one another and migration to other countries.
    When talking about globalization we can find three fundamental aspects: economic, when it comes to international markets, investments, and exchange of goods between countries, social, it helps to communicate with other people with a common language such as English which is the most widely used language in the world.
    Having a wide range of products to choose from that you would normally not have the opportunity to find in your country, such as food, TV series or music, or even unique products created by local producers in a remote part of the world.
    Thanks to the Internet we can now have information for free and quickly, therefore knowing what is happening on the other side of the world and removing the barriers that isolate us, we can talk to everyone and whatever we want thanks to the mobile phone with an SMS or an email. Also thanks to the evolution of medicine now everyone can have easier access to treatment, and research can be shared with the whole world, and political with peacekeeping missions, help from other states with trade facilitation laws.
    Three advantages of globalization are:
    it enables the propagation of democratic ideals and human right answer, global mass media connect all the people in the world, encouraging the interchange of cultures and it decreases the possibility of war between developed countries.
    Three disadvantages of globalization are:
    the higher risk of the spread of communicable diseases, it widens poverty gap, particular in developing countries, the ecosystem is threatened by the abuse of natural resources and disregard of the environmental impact of business activities.
    Globalization has helped us to overcome periods of crisis and is making us grow, but like all good things it also has negative sides, which we should try to eliminate to make our coexistence on this planet even better.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Complete and detailed. Most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts.

  4. Giuseppe di Vito
    The process by which multiple people from all over the world easily get in touch is commonly referred to as "globalization".
    But what does globalization actually mean?
    In my opinion, the definition travels very close to "communication" as globalization is mainly based on communication and makes its weapon.
    As anyone knows, the effects of globalization are of various types and various interpretations, but what we can undoubtedly be in common accord is that among the positive effects we find speed.
    The idea of speed takes shape if attributed to a specific context such as technology.
    Thanks to it, in fact, the theoretical and application interconnection between various business such as industrial, chemical, scientific and automotive development as well as the logistics management of transport and the progress of the entire health system, from research to medical remedies and both curative and preventive.
    Globalization is not always positive for everyone, if for example in the transport sector we find the reduction in delivery times as positive, as negative we find an increase in global pollution.
    The relationships between people are often so facilitated by technology that they struggle to approach and create a true relationship in reality.
    The opportunity to create jobs in developing countries often turns into real exploitation thanks to poorly conceived local legal systems.
    After careful analysis, I believe that if managed in a conscious and responsible manner, the phenomenon of globalization can only apport a lot of benefit on the entire community.

    1. 🌟 More reference to the course materials and more re-elaboration of the course materials are necessary. Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  5. Riccardo Giovinazzo

    Is extremely difficult to separate the different implications of the word: economic, socialand political.
    We can quote the definition of the International Monetary Found, which says that: Globalisation is the process through which an increasingly free flows ideas, people,goods, services and capital leads to the integration of of economies and societies.
    Globalisation is a multifaceted phenomenon, beacause it has different aspects; the aspect of global technology or global information it’s that thanks to the internet and advances in IT, the movement of fast and free information, anywhere in the world, is now possible: the internet and the world wide web have removed the barriers.
    Instead the aspect of global culture it’s that cultural globalisation can be interpreted as changing the world from diverse multicultural places to a single homogeneous culture, thanks to improvements in trasport and lower costs, many more of us have the chanche to travel.
    At the end the global language, not surprisingly, is a major part of globalisation.
    After all, the whole point of language is to communicate, and a common or single language is necessary if you want or need to communicate with the world.
    These different aspects have advantages, such as: the transport of goods and people is quicker and easier, there is an increase in free trade between developed countries and corporations increase their operations across borders; but they also have disadvantages: it widens the poverty gap, particulary in developing countries, employees in developed countries lose their jobs when work is outsourced to developing countries and there is a higher risk of the spread of communicable disease.
    For me globalization means interaction and innovation, and I think it's also a way to be able to give and receive aid.

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite good re-elaboration of course materials. Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

    The globalisation is the process through which an icreasingly free flow of ideas, people, goods, services and capital leads to the integration of economies and societies.
    The globalisation isn’t a recent phenomenon in fact, economic and social integration has been going on since people first started exploring the world, trading goods with one another and migranting to other countries.
    Globalisation has many different aspects : global technology, global culture, global language and global health.
    Thanks to global technology now the movement of fast and free information is now possible and the world wide web has removed the barriers that lead to the isolation of countries, communities and individuals.
    Cultural globalisation can be interpreted as changing the world from diverse multicultural places to a single homogeneous culture, for example the same food, tv programme , music in different countries.
    Language globalisation is a mojor part of globalisation because we need a single language for communicated with the world. English is currently the dominate language for the world of business and information.
    The increase in the number of people and products which move around the world, and the speed at which they do so has led to an increase in the risk of global health issues.
    Globalisation has andvantage but also disadvantage, for example three advantages are people have more options to choose form among the product of different nations,corporations increase their operations across borders and there is an increase in free trade between countries.
    The three disadvantage are that it widens the poverty gap, particularly in developing countries, There is a higher risk of the spread of communicable diseases and the domination and control by powerful multinationals and corporations corrupts national governament.
    For me, globalisation is very important because it helps the world economy and at the same time makes life easier for people.

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite good re-elaboration of course materials. Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

    Globalization is the proces through which an inceasingly free flow of ideas, people, goods, service and capital leads to the integration of economies and societies.
    It is common to consider tow periods of modern globalisation. The first from around to the start of world war I, and the second from about 1960 onwards.
    The inventions of industrial revolution were being put to goods use, improving transport and comunication so that it was easier to trade with and travel to distant parts of the world.
    The age of maritime exploration and conolisation was another stage in the globalisation proces as new resources were discovered and raw materials began to be transported from distant colonies amd used to make finished products to be later sold around the world.
    Globalization is a multifaceted phenomenon that affects a broad spectrum of phenomena:
    relocation of production, proximity to local phenomena and the possibility of getting to know and participate live in particular events in every area of the world, development of a mass market without borders and homogeneous in characteristics, dizzying growth of cultural exchanges also through mass tourism.
    the globalisation is a deeply controversial topic whit strong and valid arguments for both the benefict and the risks, the most obvious benefits are: the transport of goods and peopke is quicker and easier, people have more option to choose from among the products of different nations, it enables the propagation of democratic ideals and human rights awareness.
    instead some negative effects of globalization are: air pollution, there is a higher risk of the spread of comunicable diseases and monopoly and domination of multi-nationals.
    from my point of view, globalization has been a very important phenomenon for society and nations, but over time it is slowly disappearing thanks to this period overwhelmed by the coronavirus epidemic.

    1. 🌟🌟 Acceptable re-elaboration of course materials. Quite interesting conclusion. Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  8. Andrea P
    As reported from the International Monetary Fund, globalisation is described as 'the process through which an increasingly free flow of ideas, people, goods, services and capital leads to the integration of economies and societies'; even if the word is relatively new, the phenomenon certainly is not.
    Thanks to the Internet and advances  in IT the movement of fast and free information anywhere in the world, is now possible.
    Using a small object like a mobile phone, we can get information from any part of the globe.
    Cultural globalisation can be interpreted as changing the world from diverse multicultural places to a single homogeous culture.
    We now have access to an incredible variety of food products so that we are able to experience different foods from all over the world; music and fashions are being fused and reinvented all the time.
    English Is currently the dominant language for the world of business and the information age.
    As advantages we have:
    -The transport of goods and people is quicker and easier
    The inventions of the Industrial Revolution improving transport and communication.
    -Global mass media connect all the people in the world
    -People have more options to choose from among the products of different nations (foods and goods)
    As disadvantages se have:
    -The ecosystem Is threatened by the abuse of natural resources.
    -The domination and control by poweful multinationals and corporations.
    -Widespread of health problems (pandemic)
    For me globalisation is not a bad thing (food from all over the world and travel easily) , but there are too many differences between rich and poor countries; multinationals exploit poor countries to make money and at the same time pollute and destroy the world.

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  9. Alessandro Gambone

    The international monetary found describe the globalisation as "the process through increasingly free flow of ideas, people, goods and services and capital leads to the integrations of economies and societies"
    There are two waves of globalisation, the first period is when the worls start to get smaller and also there was the inventions of the Industrial revoluition
    The second wave began after the World War two with international talks and agreements to facilitate economic growth and reduce the form of protectionism and trade barriers that had been created.
    The first aspect of globalisation is the technology and information aspect
    Thanks to the internet now the movement of fast and free information in finally possible.
    The internet and the World Wide Web have removed the barriers that lead to isolation of countries.
    the second aspect is the global culture that change the world from diverse multicultural places to a single homogeneous culture.
    Then music and fashions from different countries are being fused and reinvented all the time and also thanks to improvements in transport and lower costs many more of us have the chance to trave all around the world.
    Another aspect is the gloal language that is the major part of the globalisation.
    For this aspect there are two different ideas; the first is about people that believe in a single language, while the other is about people who think that a single language will lead to the disapparance of local dialects.
    The last aspect is global health, in the last years the increase of people and products which move around the world, this increasethe risk of global health issues.
    The principal advantages of globalisation are the free trade, the quicker transport of goods and people and the decrease of war between developed countries.
    The principale disadvantages are the domination and the control by powerful multinationals, the poverty and the cultural diversity
    My view of globalisation, and of the ever greater exchange of people, products, services and capital that comes with it, is a good thing, because everyone is able to know other world culture
    and is always interesting see how the other people live all around the world.

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  10. Stefano B

    The adjective global has its roots in America and dates back to thetimewhen the American military was developing the first weapon of mass destruction, the atomic bomb. The expression "Global Village" came into popular use in the late 1960s referring to the impact of the spread of culture through television. Global trasformed in the Globalisation in the 1990s. When talking about globalisation it's difficult to separate the different implications of the word, economic, social and political. In fact, economic and social integration has been going on since people first started exploring the world, trading goods with one another and migrating to other countries. What has changed over the centuries is the speed and extent of the globalisation.
    Globalisation has many different aspects, social, cultural, thechnological, economic, financial and political. For example, thanks to Internet, the movement of fast and free information, anywhere in the world, in now possible. Cultural globalisation can be interpreted as changing the world form diverse multicultural places to a single homogenous culture, for this there are critics believe that this erosion of cultural diversity. Language globalisation is a major part of globalisation. The whole point of language is to communicate, and a common or single language is necessary if you want or need to communicate with the world. In my opinion there are positives aspects for example Internet and the information anywhere in the world and the language globalisation because with this all people if want or need can communicate with other people. There are negatives aspects for axample the erosion of cultural diversity or in Internet there are a lot of fake news.

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite good re-elaboration of course materials. Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.
